17. The Boat Ride

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As everybody was about to leave the Chocolate Room, a giant pink candy boat appeared on the river. There were Oompa Loompas rowing the boat while one of them was banging on the drum. Everyone, including Katie and the BTR boys, couldn't believe their eyes.

"Wow..." Kendall and Katie said in amazement.

"Look at this, guys!" Logan said with excitement. "A giant boat... and it's made of candy!"

"Ooh... candy boat..." James and Carlos said dreamily.

Then the boat stopped to approach to the side in front of the group, and the Oompa Loompas started laughing.

"Why are they laughing?" Katie questioned.

"Yeah, what's so funny?" Violet asked.

"I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans," Mr. Wonka started explaining. "Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one feeling of being in love."

As soon as she heard the words, Katie looked at Charlie and they smiled at each other. They could feel their hearts beating so fast.

"You don't say," Mrs. Beauregarde said in a flirty tone.

Mr. Wonka looked at her in disgust as the BTR boys were feeling grossed out seeing that.

"Isn't Mrs. Beauregarde married or something?" James whispered to his friends.

"Probably. I mean, she's never mentioned her husband or anything. So, we don't even know whatever happened to him," Logan whispered with a shrug at the end.

"I think it's best if we don't ask about this, guys. It actually might be something personal," Kendall told his friends who nodded in agreement.

"All aboard," Mr. Wonka said as he shook it off.

Everybody got on the boat. Veruca, Violet, Mike and their parents each sat in the first three rows while the boys went up to the one behind one of the kids. 

"Here, let me help you, m'lady," Charlie was being a gentleman when he held out his hand to Katie who giggled a bit.

"Why, thank you," Katie took his hand and climbed onto the boat where she sat herself in the back. 

Then Charlie and Grandpa Joe went to the back and sat next to Katie while Mr. Wonka got in last and sat next to her.

As soon as everybody got on, Mr. Wonka ordered the Oompa Loompas as he moved his hand by saying, "Onward!"

One Oompa Loompa started drumming as the others started rowing. During the boat ride, Katie and Charlie were holding hands while everyone else was in an awe as they looked around.

Then Mr. Wonka dipped a ladle into the river and scooped up some chocolate.

"Here, you two try some of this. It'll do you kids good. One of you look starved to death," Mr. Wonka said as he hand the ladle over to Katie first.

Katie took a sip of the warm chocolate.

"Wow... it's fantastic!" She happily said.

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