6. Grandpa Joe's Storytelling/Katie's Thoughts on Charlie

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*Later that night*

Charlie's POV
The boys of Big Time Rush and Kendall's sister, Katie, and their mother, Mrs. Knight stayed at my house for a little while. My mother was making cabbage soup while chatting with Mrs. Knight, on one side of the table, I was doing some homework and had Logan to help me with some of it, James and Carlos were playing cards on other side, and my grandparents were in their bed where Kendall and Katie were sitting right by.

Then my father came home from work just in time.

"Evening Buckets," he said.

"Evening." "Hi Dad." We all greeted.

Then Dad went to greet Mum with a kiss while she was finishing up making the soup.

"Soup's almost ready, darling," Mum told Dad. "Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in?"

Dad hesitated a bit to answer.

"Oh well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage," Mum said as she chopped up more cabbage.

Then Dad noticed the Big Time Rush boys, Katie and Mrs. Knight.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know we were having company. I'm Nathan Bucket, Helen's husband and Charlie's father," he shook hands with Mrs. Knight.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer Knight, and this is my daughter, Katie, and my son, Kendall," she pointed at where Katie and Kendall were at and they waved.

"And these are my friends, James Diamond, Carlos Garcia, and over there next to Charlie is Logan Mitchell," Kendall introduced my dad to his friends.

"And we're in a band called Big Time Rush, in which your son is quite a fan here," James said while gesturing me.

"Ah. Well, it's very nice to meet you all," Dad said.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Bucket," Katie said.

Then Dad came over to the table and sat next to me while digging through his coat pocket.

"Charlie, I think I found something you'll like," he said.

Then Dad took out some toothpaste caps.

"What are those?" Logan questioned.

"Toothpaste caps. Even though, they're crooked. My dad works at a toothpaste factory. And whenever he finds a misshaped toothpaste, he puts it in one of his pockets and then brings a bunch home for me to use," I explained.

I scrolled through those the misshaped caps until I found the one I needed.

"And this one, it's exactly what I need!" I said as I held up the crooked toothpaste cap before getting up from my chair.

"What is it, Charlie?" Grandpa Joe questioned.

I picked up my sculpture from underneath and set it on the table, which took the boys, Katie and Mrs. Knight by surprise to see what I worked on. Then I placed the last piece on it.

"Dad found it — just the piece I needed," I said as the few boys and I walked to Grandpa Joe's side of the bed where Katie and Kendall were at.

"What piece was it?"

"A head for Willy Wonka."

"How wonderful," Grandma Josephine commented.

"Whoa, this is so cool!" Carlos viewed my sculpture.

"Did you really build this, Charlie?" Katie questioned.

"Yeah, I've worked on it for a while, and now it's finished," I said.

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