30. Charlie and Mr. Wonka at Rocque Records (BTR's Final Tour Announcement)

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*1 month later*

It has been quite a while as Charlie and Katie have been dating each other since he asked her out on the day Willy Wonka repeated his offer of the factory and he accepted on his condition. Charlie invited Katie along with the guys to come for a visit over the weekend in early March, which was a little while after he moved in the factory with his family.

During the stay, Charlie and Katie had their first date and it went very well. The two had been developing feelings for each other. Although, he sometimes could be overprotective, Kendall was very happy to see his sister in her relationship with the only boy, who was formally poor but then his life changed no matter how lucky he got.

Charlie earned what he had ever deserved: a golden ticket, meet Mr. Wonka, winning the factory, and most of all, the people whom he ever loved and cared for: his family and friends.
Katie invited Charlie to stay at the Palm Woods with her and guys as they got off from their schools for spring break. Mr. Wonka went with him so we he would look after him when they took his private jet to L.A.. Katie and the guys even insisted for Charlie and Mr. Wonka to stay with them in their apartment.

After getting settled in, Kendall told Charlie that Griffin wanted to meet him and Mr. Wonka, which he then happily agreed to come to Rocque Records.
*Rocque Records*

Charlie, Mr. Wonka and the BTR boys approached to Rocque Records. Everyone stepped out of the car and Charlie and Mr. Wonka took a moment to view the front of the building.

"Charlie and Mr. Wonka, welcome to Rocque Records," Logan announced.

"Oh my goodness!" Mr. Wonka said.

"What do you think, Charlie?" James asked.

"It's amazing!" Charlie said.

"Just like how Gustavo said it," Carlos stated.

"Alright, come on guys. Gustavo and Kelly waiting for us and Griffin's coming in a bit," Kendall said.

Then the six walked into the building. As they got to the second floor, Gustavo and Kelly were there.

"Dogs! You made it in perfect timing," Gustavo said.

"Gustavo, we came here because--" Kendall was speaking but got interrupted.

"STOP TALKING!" Gustavo yelled.

Charlie got a bit of the fright because of Gustavo's yelling, so Mr. Wonka pulled him from behind.

"Gustavo, calm down and please be nice," Kelly told him when she was talking about Charlie and Mr. Wonka.

"Um, hi Mr. Rocque, Miss Wainwright. It's nice to see you both again," Charlie said.

"Hi Charlie. It's nice to see you too. And of course, you as well Mr. Wonka," Kelly said.

"Hello Mr. Rocque, Miss Wainwright," Mr. Wonka greeted.

"So you two know that I was about to meet the CEO, right?" Charlie said.

"Of course, Charlie," Kelly said.

"Alright dogs, Wonka, Bucket boy, let's head into the conference room and Griffin's gonna be here in a few minutes," Gustavo said.

"Mr. Rocque, his name is Charlie," Mr. Wonka corrected him.

"Whatever," Gustavo said.

The boys, Charlie and Mr. Wonka started walking into the conference room and waited a little bit for Griffin to show up. While waiting, Charlie had a small conversation with the boys.

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