7. The Golden Ticket Contest

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Author's POV
The next day, the boys and Katie went out into town again. Although, Gustavo informed the boys stay low so no one could see them while they were in town.

"Do you guys think everybody should know about the golden ticket contest by now?" Katie asked the guys.

"We hope so, Katie. This will knock their socks off once they read the flyer about it," Kendall pointed at the flyer on the lamppost.

The boys and Katie saw a crowd of people gathering around to see what the flyer said before they hid behind a wall of a building, so they wouldn't let anybody see them as they were reading it off.

"Wow. There's a lot of people who are to read off the flyer," Logan stated.

"Hey guys, look! There's Charlie!" Carlos pointed at Charlie who was reading the flyer as well.

"Oh man, he's gonna be psyched about us working with Mr. Wonka when he reads about this!" James said excitedly.

The five watched as everybody was reading the flyer.

Dear people of the world,
I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. These lucky five will be shown around personally by me, along with my 4 co-chocolatiers for the day, and will learn all the secrets and the magic of my factory.

You may or may not who they are, but I personally had chosen 4 co-chocolatiers who happened to be the most famous boy band in the world, Big Time Rush. And the boys will be helping me around the factory during the tour.

Five golden tickets have been hidden underneath the ordinary wrapping papering five ordinary Wonka bars. Those five candy bars may be anywhere— in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world.

In addition, one of these children receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine. Good luck, and happy hunting!

Willy Wonka

As everybody was dispersing to go around and buy Wonka bars in order to find the golden tickets, Charlie was walking out of the crowd and was about to go home and tell his family the best news. Charlie was passing the boys and Katie, whom he didn't notice them at first.

"Psst! Charlie!" Katie called to Charlie softly.

Charlie looked around to find out who was calling for him until he turned his head to see the boys and Katie hiding at the building as they were waving at him. Charlie smiled and went straight up to see them.

"Hi guys!" Charlie greeted.

"Hi Charlie!" Katie said.

"Hey Charlie!" "What's up dude?" The boys said in different greetings.

"How are you?" Kendall asked.

"I'm great. So, what the flyer said when I read it, is it true?" Charlie questioned. "The four of you boys are teaming up with Mr. Wonka?"

The boys said, "yes" all together.

"Wow, that's exciting! I had no idea you were doing that after I met you all yesterday," Charlie said.

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