13. The News about Charlie/Preparing for the Big Day

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*back at the factory*

Author's POV
After seeing Charlie yet again, the guys and Katie made it back to the factory. Then they rushed down the halls until they saw Gustavo and Kelly.

"Dogs, there you are! Your little friend, Bucket boy is on the news," Gustavo informed.

They all walked into the room with Jennifer sitting on the couch all smiley looking on her face and she waved and the boys and Katie waved backed. Then they sat down and watched Charlie on the news.

"After discovering Wonka's final golden ticket was a fake in Russia, the real golden ticket had been found by a boy who goes by the name of Charlie Bucket," the newsman announced.

"So Charlie, how do you feel about finding the final ticket?" The reporter asked.

"It was a dream come true, really. I have loved eating Wonka bars growing up. I would occasionally get one a year for my birthday, which was a while ago actually. Earlier today, I was on my home, thinking how disappointed I was when I thought the Wonka contest was already over. But then, I found some money in the street and then I went to a shop to buy a candy bar. And as I was opening it, I saw a little bit of gold, and as I was slowly pulled it out, I realized in that moment... I've finally found a golden ticket!" Charlie held up his ticket on camera.

"Yeah buddy! Whoo!" James cheered at him on the TV.

"Go Charlie!" Logan added.

"This is so awesome!" Carlos also added.

The guys high fived each other like crazy in excitement and Katie blushed in her smile and sighed dreamily at Charlie.

"You see, my grandfather, Grandpa Joe, he used to work for Mr. Wonka a long time ago. He even told me a story about it a while ago. This is him right here" Charlie said as he was gesturing to his grandfather who then waved in front of the camera.

The boys, Katie, Jennifer, Gustavo and Kelly waved back at Grandpa Joe.

"Sir, how do you feel about your grandson winning the final ticket?" The reporter asked Grandpa Joe.

"Oh, it's a miracle. I'm so happy for my grandson for finding the last golden ticket after he discovered for himself that there was a fake one. His family and I will be forever blessed for this day to happen," Grandpa Joe answered.

They were paying close attention as he was telling his story from before.

"20 years ago, I was working for Mr. Wonka when I was selling his chocolate bars in one of those candy shops on Cherry Street. And then 5 years later, he opened up a factory and I started working there along with the others. But then after a while, disaster struck down because there had been secret spies disguised as workers so they could get into the factory and steal Mr. Wonka's secret recipes. One day, without given a warning, Mr. Wonka told all of his workers to go home when he was announcing that his chocolate factory was being closed forever... and it was a sad day for us all."

"I'm very sorry to hear about how you lost your job," the reporter told Grandpa Joe.

"Gosh, that poor man. Although, I didn't know Charlie's grandfather knew Mr. Wonka before," Kelly stated.

"We did just a little while ago when we met Charlie and his family after we got settled in the factory," Kendall stated.

"Well, that kid's lucky," Gustavo commented on Charlie.

"Charlie, are you excited about seeing the factory?" The reporter asked.

"Absolutely. I'm even bringing my grandfather with me, because it's always been his dream of going back to the factory since he lost his job there. And now that I found the final golden ticket, his dream is about to finally come true along with mine. Unexpectedly, I think we both started to become lucky for this day to happen," Charlie told the reporter.

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