16. Augustus Goes Up the Pipe

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"Hey guys, look," Katie said as she pointed at something.

The boys and Katie looked over the other side of the chocolate river and they saw Augustus drinking the chocolate out of it.

"What's he doing?" Kendall questioned.

"It looks like Augustus is drinking chocolate from the river," James said.

Carlos went "ooh" dreamily as he was about to go drink the chocolate from the river. He took a couple steps straight, but Logan stopped him right at the moment.

"Carlos, no. I don't think Mr. Wonka would like it if you were doing the same thing," Logan told him.

Carlos made a little pouty face.

"Guys, I think we better tell Mr. Wonka about Augustus that he should not be drinking from the river," Katie recommended.

"Right," the boys agreed.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wonka?" Katie called out to him.

"Yeah?" Mr. Wonka said as he and everybody faced Katie and the boys.

"There's something you might wanna see and we know you're not gonna like it," Katie stated.

"What is it, guys?" Mr. Wonka asked.

Then the boys and Katie pointed at Augustus and everybody else looked.

"Augustus, mein child! That is not a good thing to do!" Mrs. Gloop yelled.

Augustus kept drinking the chocolate from the river without paying attention to his mother's calling.

"Hey little boy, my chocolate must be untouched by human hands," Mr. Wonka tried to warn the German boy.

Without listening to Mr. Wonka's warning, Augustus fell into the river. It shocked everybody while Mr. Wonka rolled his eyes.

"Oh no," Katie said when she was hinting fear.

Augustus began to splash around like he was about to drown.

"He'll drown!" Mrs Gloop yelled in panic. "He can't swim! Save him!"

With Mr. Wonka and everyone else standing and doing nothing to save Augustus, Katie and the boys noticed a pipe was coming its way.

"Guys, we have to do something to save him," Kendall said.

"But how?" Carlos asked.

While trying to figure out how to save Augustus, Logan noticed a giant peppermint candy cane sitting on the ground.

"This gives me an idea," Logan said.

The other guys and Katie also noticed the candy cane.

"We don't get what the idea is, Logan. Can you please explain?" Kendall asked him.

"Okay. The five of us will grab that giant candy cane from over there by that tree. Then we run to the edge that is close enough, so we'll reach out to Augustus and then pull him out of the river," Logan explained the plan.

"Wait. You really think this is going to work?" James asked.

"Dude, there's no time to answer questions about something whether it works or not!" Logan snapped at him.

"Okay, okay! Jeez, you don't have to yell," James said.

"We have to hurry!" Kendall said.

Then the boys and Katie ran quickly to grab the candy cane and lift it up as Charlie started noticing.

"Grandpa, look," Charlie got his grandfather's attention.

Charlie and Grandpa Joe looked over to see as the guys and Katie started carrying the candy cane.

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