14. Beginning of the Tour

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Author's POV
It was 10 minutes away from showtime. The boys got all dressed up and they were going to perform the Willy Wonka song in front of the guests.

"Okay. You boys ready to get out there?" Mr. Wonka asked the guys.

"Yeah!" They all said.

"And you'll be there exactly as we rehearsed it?" Kendall asked Mr. Wonka.

"I wouldn't wanna miss that part, would I?" he answered.

Then Katie walked up to everyone while wearing in her new outfit.

"Oh my goodness, Katie Knight..." Mr. Wonka began.

"What do you guys think?" Katie asked as she spun around a bit.

"You look great, baby sister," Kendall complimented.

"Thanks, big brother," she said.

"She kind of looks like me. Right guys?" Mr. Wonka said.

"Yep," the boys agreed.

Then Jennifer, Kelly and Gustavo came up.

"Okay dogs. Get ready to go behind the doors at 5 minutes to 10," Gustavo reminded the boys.

"Wait. Before you go, I wanna get a picture of you boys along with Katie and Mr. Wonka," Jennifer said as she took her camera.

The boys, Katie and Mr. Wonka got into position.

"Okay. Smile," Jennifer said.

Then the camera flashed.

After the picture was taken, the guys were starting get ready.

Kendall said to Katie, "See you in a bit, Katie."

The boys headed down the halls to get behind the doors to the entrance of the factory.
*front gates of the factory*

Charlie's POV
Grandpa Joe and I were standing in front of the gates along with the other kids and their parents. We were both happy to be here. We looked in the back and saw my parents in the crowd waving at us.

Meanwhile, the four kids and their parents glanced at each other. They were probably just thinking of something competitive against each other. But I didn't really care much about winning or losing, I just wanted to have some fun and be happy. I was glad to bring Grandpa Joe with me because it really meant a lot to him.

We were just about a minute away from entering the factory...

"Daddy, I want to go in!" I overheard Veruca Salt talking to her father.

"It's 9:59, sweetheart," Mr. Salt said as he looked at the time on his wristwatch .

"Make time go faster!" she demanded.

Then I looked at Grandpa Joe for a moment.

"Do you think Mr. Wonka will recognize you?" I asked.

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