27. The Aftermath and Charlie's Letters

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Katie's POV
After the day of five kids visiting the factory, and Charlie declining Mr. Wonka's special prize because of his family, the guys, my mom, Kelly, Gustavo and I were finally back at home at the Palm Woods. It felt great to be back. At Rocque Records, Griffin questioned the boys about how the factory tour went and who won Mr. Wonka's special prize, and they referred Charlie Bucket winning Mr. Wonka's chocolate factory to him. But then the guys mentioned that he declined the prize because he didn't want to leave his family behind for Mr. Wonka's life work. He understood and respected for Charlie's decision.

My mom and brother had a couple talks about Charlie. I never got a chance to tell him that I loved him, but hopefully he'll know about it eventually. I even told my mom and brother that Charlie gave me his golden ticket he held onto it during the tour of the factory. My heart was breaking when I've been thinking of him, but the guys told me that we would be able to get to see him again someday, probably when his family makes good money.

A couple of days later, Gustavo got a new song he worked on while we were at the factory for the guys to perform. They sang out the vocals and worked on new dance moves. Afterwards, the boys showed Griffin their new song and he approved. And then they worked more on their music since then.

Charlie recently written his letters to me and the guys to let us know how he's been, how he enjoyed listening the guys' music to think of them, and he's been missing us so much. Hopefully he'll come and visit us soon. The guys and I also started writing back to him.

For a while, things have been starting to get a little better. Even though, I wish i could say the same for Willy Wonka because I recently heard his new candies had been selling terrible lately. The guys and I felt bad for him and none of us knew how to fix this.
Charlie's POV
Not long after Grandpa Joe and I visited Mr. Wonka's factory, things have been getting better for me and my family. My dad got a better job at the toothpaste factory, by fixing the machine that replaced him. Meanwhile, I still have been working as a shoe polisher by a cafe up in Cherry Street recently, and I have been making a little bit extra money there.

Things have been getting better for my family, and I hope the same for Big Time Rush and Kendall's younger sister, Katie. I gave Katie my golden ticket before she left. I've been missing that girl. And I also miss the boys. I even listened to their CDs so it would help me think of them while I've been their fan. And then, I decided to write letters to them and when I did, I found a mailbox that could deliver them. What I wrote in the letters was to let everyone know how I've been doing. And then a little while later, they wrote me back.

They also told me in their letters that they were working on new music and that they would let me know when their next concert was the next time they would be around town, so they could send me a ticket for free. I was very pleased to be hearing about it. Boy, was I glad to become best friends with Katie and the boys. They were the only friends I ever made since they were working with Mr. Wonka.

Things have been starting become great between all of us and my family. Meanwhile, I've been concerned about Mr. Wonka because his candies haven't been selling good. I wish we could meet up again and that there was something to do to help him...
Willy Wonka's POV
After Charlie rejected my offer to come and work with me in the factory, things had been getting out of hand. I've been trying to make new candies to ship out so they could sell, but clearly it wasn't working out. My new candies were selling terrible and frankly, I never understood why.

So, I've been spending my afternoons, lying on a chair and talking to one of the Oompa Loompas who was a psychiatrist.

"I can't put a finger to it," I began to talk to him. "The candy's always been the only thing I was ever certain of, and now I'm just not certain at all. I don't know which flavors to make, I don't know which ideas to try. I'm second-guessing myself, which is nuts. I've always made whatever candy I felt like, and I..."

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