8. Augustus Gloop & Veruca Salt

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*a few days later*

Katie's POV
I was walking around town by myself. The guys couldn't be able to go with me because they were busy with Mr. Wonka.

While I was in town, I saw a crowd of people buying the newspapers from the stand like crazy. So I went over to see what the deal was.

As it turned out, the newspapers said the first golden ticket was already found by. And the ticket was being held by this kid from Dusseldorf, Germany, who went by the name of Augustus Gloop. Also, Charlie's Grandpa George was right. The kid who would find the first ticket would be fat, fat, fat.

Suddenly, I realized that I needed to break the news to Mr. Wonka and the guys. So I bought the newspaper and I rushed back to the factory. As I got inside, I went to see where everybody was.

The factory was huge and for the last few days, I usually have trouble to know where I was going. Then an Oompa Loompa appeared. I walked up to him, thinking maybe he knew where everybody was.

"Excuse me," I called to the Oompa Loompa and he turned to face me.

"Hi. I'm looking for my brother and the others. Can you please take me over to wherever they are?"

The Oompa Loompa stuck his little hand out, reaching for mine. I knew I had to trust him, so I grabbed the hand. Then the Oompa Loompa took me straight to Mr. Wonka's office where he was in a meeting with the guys. Gustavo and Kelly were waiting outside of the office.

"Hey guys," I greeted them.

"Hey Katie," Kelly said.

"Hello," Gustavo said in a sarcastic tone.

"Why aren't you two in the meeting with Mr. Wonka and the guys?" I asked curiously.

"Because Wonka said I'm not welcome into his office due to my anger issues unless I stay calm. Hahaha. Why would I want to calm down whenever he says that I HAVE ANGER ISSUES?!" Gustavo said with him yelling at the end of his sentence.

Whoa! The big guy has got problems when he gets angry and yells a lot like before.

"Anyway, while I was in town, I heard someone has found the first golden ticket," I said.

"Really? Who?" Kelly questioned.

"There's a boy who's German and kind of looked a little overweight," I said.

I couldn't say fat because it would be like I was offending someone.

Then I handed Gustavo and Kelly the newspaper with Augustus Gloop on the cover. He even had chocolate on face without noticing.

"Wow. The kid didn't even notice he had chocolate on his face," Kelly said.

Then the guys stepped out of Mr. Wonka's office after their meeting ended. He didn't come out, which I assumed he had some work he needed to get done anyway.

"Hey baby sister," Kendall said. "What's going on?"

"Some kid in Germany found the first ticket," I told the guys as Kelly handed them the newspaper.

The guys eyed over the front of the paper in disgusted looks on their faces.

"Wow. Charlie's grandfather was right. That kid is really fat," James commented.

Uh oh.

"Who's Charlie?" Kelly questioned with her eyebrow raising.

"Uh... nobody," James said with a innocent smile.

"We met this kid, Charlie Bucket who lives with his very poor family, and he told us he was a fan of BTR and knew a few of our songs. It happened while we were walking around town the day before Mr. Wonka spread the word about the golden ticket contest out," Carlos jumped in.

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