~Chapter 12~

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"No." We heard someone say behind while we turned around to see who it was. It was Gally. "Gally?" I said slowly walking out of the crowd."Don't." Teresa said holding me back softly. "He's been stung." Teresa added. newt looked at me. Gally shook his head at us and started to talk. "We can't leave." Gally said while shaking with a gun in his hands. "We did. Gally we're out we're free." Thomas said from behind me. "Free?" He sobbed. "You think we're free out there. no-no there's no escape from this place."Gally added while he lifted his gun up. "Gal, listen to me your not thinking straight." I said trying not to cry. "Your not." I added again. Minho held onto his spear tighter. "Now, we can help you." Thomas said again. "Just put down the gun gal." I said looking at his eyes. "I belong to the maze." He said pulling the trigger. "We all do." He said while he shot the gun and Minho through a spear though his chest.Gally gasped as he collapsed.Chuck collapsed aswell but I ran over to Gally. "Gal no wake up please Gally." I sobbed. "GALLY WAKE UP PLEASE I CANT LOOSE YOU." "GAL PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME JUST WAKE UP FOR ME." I said trying to hold everything back. "I'm sorry." I heard him say before letting out his last breath. "NO NO GALLY NO." I screamed in pain. I turned over to chuck as they were all around him while I hugged him tightly. I sobbed as I looked at Minho in disgust."CMON GALLY WAKE UP PLEASE." I cried as men came in and took us. "NO GALLY NO LET ME GO I NEED HIM." I screamed. I lost sight of Gally and chuck while we all ran into a helicopter.   "You guys alright." Someone said as they pulled there mask down. "Don't worry. Your safe now." The man assured us and they drove off. I looked around while we saw the maze. I leant back. Minho and newt looked at me.My eyes closed when I hugged newt and cried on his shoulder while all the memories came back of me and Gally. Newt stroked my back while he cuddled me until we had to get off. We got out of the helicopter as we ran into a massive building. There were people shooting growling things. I ran beside Minho. We got into the building as the doors shut behind us and people were running around doing stuff.We got split up and I saw Thomas walk into a room a man went into. I saw a boy by himself as I finally went to see him as I recognised the boy.I watched Thomas walk in and Minho took him with him. They spoke to new boys then they point at us. Me and the boy kept talking as we knew eachother but we didn't quite know how yet.I looked back at him and got up to sit back with them. We got to our rooms again laying down and fell asleep. Not long after I opened my eyes and I heard aris come up in the vent and got up."Ali why is he here?" Thomas asked but i ignored him and I helped aris up. "Go with him he'll show u everything alright." I said while hugging aris. "Be careful aris." they went in.It had been a few hours and I fell asleep after newt sat with me. I fell asleep on newts lap after crying.

The next morning we get up and go back to the lunch hall place and I nod at aris. Thomas looks over at us as he makes a scene after we hear the boys telling him not too. I get up and pretend to pull him back to stop but I grab the mans keycard. We try and act sorry as we get taken to our rooms. We stand there for a while and aris comes bursting through the vents hugging me. "You alright." he knows about Gally. "Doing better thanks mate." I said smiling at the boy. "Good let's go Thomas and thanks Ali for the card." He said as he gets in. "Anytime bro." I added before they left. The boys stared at me in shock. I smirked and sat back on the bed waiting for them to come back with any news about what's in that room.


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