~Chapter 13~

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I heard bangs from the vent as Thomas bursted out rushing around. We all got up and tried to find out what he was saying under all the nonsense that was coming out of his mouth."THOMAS." Fry said "WE GOT TO GO RIGHT NOW." He yelled running to the door. "What the hell you talking about." Minho said walking closer to him. "What do u mean we gotta go." Newt added. "there coming cmon we gotta go." He said again doing hand gestures. Thomas got the mattress and pinned it to the door and wrapped the sheets around the door handle still saying we have to leave. I saw Janson walk towards the room with loads of people as I finally got the hint. "What happened aris what happened." Fry said to me and aris just standing there. "Thomas can u just calm down and talk to us." Newt said confused. "She's still alive." He added tightening the sheets. "Who's she, Teresa?" Fry said in a high voice.

"Ava." Thomas said again. "Ava?Can u just turn around and talk to us." Newt said again. Thomas shot around and raised his voice. "ITS WICKED, it's always been wicked." Thomas said still doing the door. "Thomas what did u see." Newt said pinning him to the door as we all went through the vent. We heard bangs and we all made sure that we were in the vents so they couldn't find any of us.

We came out of exit and Thomas looked around to see if there's a way to get to Teresa. "Cmon cmon cmon." Thomas said to all of us as we all came out one by one. "Let's go,let's go." He said about to run. Aris tells us he's gonna get behind the door and open it for us. We all started running as we ran into a doctor. "What are u guys doing out." She quizzed but soon got the memo when the alarms went off. "I'm so sorry Dr.Crawford for this." I got hold of her and took her with us."How do you know her." Thomas asked.I ignored him and the doctor nodded at me."It's fine Alison just don't do anything stupid." She smiled. "I'm sorry." I said again.We pushed the girl with us to a room that Teresa was in as we all held up our guns.

Thomas picked Teresa up while I smashed the windows with newt. We all jumped out before wicked got into the room. We ran down the hallway we came from at the start and tried the keycard that Thomas and aris got. "ITS NOT OPENING." Minho said looking up at us. I saw Janson come around the corner while I took Thomas's gun I walked closer.

"Alison were on the same side." Janson said. "No we're not you put us in that maze." I answered back. "Alison are u really gonna leave your father for them." He said looking at me. The boys stared while I looked back at the man. "You lost that part of my life ages ago, it's only fair to say I do the same thing u did to me." I smirked.
"Alison were just trying to help." He said again with his hands up. Aris and winston opened the door from behind as I start shooting everyone.

"I'm sorry." I said as I kept shooting.

"ALISON PLEASE." He yelled.I ran out of bullets so I throw my gun at them. I started running hearing my dad yell into the radio. The doors started to close until I slid under the door before they shut. I got up and looked back at the guilty man behind the metal doors. I flipped him off as I smirked."You little shit." I heard him say through the door. I blow him a kiss and run infront of all the boys. We got to the massive doors we entered and I pulled the lever and waited for them to open. They got half way and we all ran out into the blizzard. We got high enough into the sand hills until we see people with bikes,guns and torch's all searching for us."Stay low." we ran in the other direction."That lazy bitch couldn't even come find us himself." I sighed. "Yeah well that lazy bitch is your dad." Newt said. "Thanks for reminding me." I added."Yeah no problem." He nodded at me. We looked around until Teresa left the group and ran to building. "In here." Teresa said while she slid down the sand and went into the building. "Oh my god really how could this get any worse." I also slid down after all the boys. We looked at our surroundings as we all took note of stuff. "Well this is promising." I said sarcastically. No one seemed to get it which made me think of Gally."Oh- um sarcasm." I said trying to laugh the pain away. Newt gave me a hug i think he was the only one that understood the sarcasm."Thanks." I said while wiping my eyes.We all saw footprints as we decide to follow them and split up.


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