~Chapter 26~

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We followed him slowly after we all stared at eachother and put our torches near where Gally was. There was another hole in the wall. Gally crouched down looking through it quickly and looking back at us. "Alright this way." He told us as he nodded while crawling through the wall. Once we all got in Gally was sitting at the end looking out the other hole into a room full of pipes."Hold on."Gally said looking around at the surroundings.We sat in silence as soon a train passed by where we were. Gally looked at me as I nodded at him. He smiled and looked back. Newt nudged me and smiled a little. "Ok we gotta be quick about this,we don't have a lot of time so stay behind me ok." Gally yelled over the loud noises of the train. We all nodded and waited for the train to pass. Once it had quickly passed Gally stuck his head out and looked to both sides."Ok let's go." He yelled again jumping down. I jumped down after and so did the boys. I looked back at the hole we jumped out of as Gally was covering it again. "Great,Tommy loves trains don't ya mate." Newt said while holding his arm looking at the tracks. "Nice because we'll see another one real soon." Gally said running past us. We all got the hint to run and we all ran close to Gally.

"Gally what the hell are we doing." Thomas yelled from the back still running."Less talking more running." Gally yelled as it echoed from the walls."Yeah well it seems like running isn't everyone's thing." I yelled back. "JUST KEEP UP." Gally yelled again. The lights started flickering as the rails were making some noise. We kept running to see some lights coming towards us. "GALLY." Thomas yelled looking at the train coming towards us. "COME ON." Gally yelled again as he looked back at us."We're almost there." He added. "Newt come on we gotta move." Thomas shouted to Newt overtaking him. Newt kept running as I noticed he was grabbing his arm a lot. Newt collapsed as we kept running.We got to the other hole we need to get to as we started climbing to see newt on the floor."Newt!" Gally yelled getting down again.Thomas went to get him as Gally pulled him back.

"Stay back." Gally yelled running over. "NO GAL DONT." I yelled at him. "GALLLL." I screamed as me and Thomas was pressed up to the wall as the Train passed. Gally and newt was still on the tracks. I looked at Thomas as he looked back and closed our eyes tightly.The train fully pasted and me and Thomas opened our eyes again.I turned around to hear Gally and newt both sighing and groaning."Well, that was a first." Gally said sitting up on his knees.I sighed in relief and ran over. "Never were great runners were we Newt." Gally said holding his heart.Newt groaned putting his hand out and put it in Gallys. "Yeah well I only have one good leg." He added as Gally helped him up."Yeah, and I only have one good lung." He groaned a little helping Newt get back on his feet.They were both breathing quite heavily as I walked over to Gally. "Never do that again,I nearly lost you again." I said annoyed. "Sorry luv." He smirked kissing my head."Better be." I laughed hugging him as Thomas checked up on newt. "This way." Gally sighed catching his breath as We all walked to the hole with newt coughing. Gally opened a door that led us to a hallway full of people with masks trying to avoid the flare. Me and Gally walked down the paths hand in hand and walked out of the busy station.We ran up some stairs and we stopped in a road. "Holy shit alright." I said from behind."This is a long way from the glade." Newt said as we heard sirens. "Yeah we better get off the streets. And I know it's hard but pretend you've seen it before." He said before walking off.I walked next to Gally and we ran over some roads. We leant against a wall while a car with sirens went past us. "Definitely have security, guessing you shanks have something to do with that." Gally said as we all crossed another road."Hey gal how far." I asked from beside him."Not long just a few minutes."he said as we came across a wall.He helped me and newt up and Thomas and Gally jumped by themselves.We went up some more stairs and looked out towards the city. "Well the city is beautiful but the people that run it are the most ugliest things I've ever seen." I commented staring at all the lights. Gally laughed and set a telescope up looking through it. "Lawrence has been trying to find a way in but it's crowded by soliders."" they have surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor." He said leaning against the banisters."Sounds like a bloody fortress." Newt said causing me to scoff.

"Yeah I thought you said u have a way in." Thomas snapped. "I might." Gally said looking at Thomas. "You might,What the hell do u mean might?" He asked. "Take a look." Gally said backing up and standing next to me. I looked at him and smiled as I gave him a small hug that no one else noticed. Newt smiled at me as he saw me and Gally were holding hands.Thomas backed out of the telescope and looked at Gally. "I said I had a way in, I didn't say you were gonna like it." He added as we went back to the others not long after.

We got set on a plan.


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