~Chapter 15~

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We got moving and we all decided to start climbing the broken buildings to see if we can see any camps near by. "Everyone good?" Thomas said from infront while we all where climbing up the building. "Yeah." We all yelled from behind. I noticed Winston was breathing pretty heavily while we were climbing. I brushed it off and we went up a sand mountain. "A little further guys." Thomas said running up the hill. I got up last as they started talking again."Them mountains it gotta be." Thomas said pointing at some faint mountains in the distance."Your joking." I spoke up out of breath. Aris scoffed after I finished what I had to say."Shut up aris." I added looking at him. "What I didn't say anything." He said looking at me aswell. "Yeah but you were about to and I don't trust that so don't say anything." I said as he nodded in agreement. We started walking a little when Winston collapsed beside me. " WINSTON." They all yelled running to him."Jesus Christ he nearly took me out too." I said shocked. Aris laughed at me while we checked on him. We got him on a weird looking bed thing while he was gasping for air. We pulled him up the hills with him laying down. "How come he gets all that glory." I said dying. "Alison he's hurt." Newt said looking at me like I just said a joke. "Ohh right." I said looking back at him. I noticed they were all staring at me. "What I'm not that good looking face away boys let's just keep going I'm tired." I said smirking at them while walking ahead. "How did Gally get so lucky." Minho asked. "No idea." Thomas added. I overheard their conversation so I decided to butt In and answer there question. "Maybe because he cared about me and made me feel like I was wanted when no one else did. He's brave and is very hot unlike you shanks." The boys looked at me again but didn't say anything. "What u wanted to know so I told you.Your welcome." I smiled at them sarcastically. "Oh and I found shelter so can we just stay here until we can actually move and not everything hurting,Thanks." I said while sitting against a big rock. Thomas and Teresa went to look out while they talking about something while Thomas and Teresa got louder. They came back because Winston kept coughing up black blood and yelling for a gun. "Please don't let me turn into one of them." Winston said barley even loud enough to hear. We all looked at newt who held the gun and gave it to him. I got up because it reminded me of Gally and Ben and I didn't wanna go through that pain again.Aris came up to me and put his arm around me. I smiled at him as I saw all the boys walk over. "Let's go we need to keep moving." Thomas said looking at all of us. "Yeah whatever." I said walking off leaving them behind me. "Hey what's wrong with her." Newt asked Aris. "It reminds her of Ben and Gally." Aris answered as a tear drops down my face wiping them away as all the boys saw what I was doing.

We carried on walking until we saw a broken boat ahead. We ran over and decided to stay there for the night. We lit a fire as I sat next to Newt and Aris. "You alright Ali." Aris asked me softly. "I'm getting there." I answered with a slight smile. "Your strong Ali." Newt said as I hugged him. "I just miss them both so much now I have all the memories of me and them together it just hurts that there both gone." I sobbed into Newt's chest. "I know luv." Newt said stroking my head.The others came to us and sat down too."I thought we were supposed to be immune." Thomas said to all of us."Not all of us,I guess." I heard Teresa say. Newt was still hugging me while I was still crying but no one noticed.


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