~Chapter 32~

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"NO NO MUM NOOO PLEASE." I screamed in pain. "WHY DID U DO THAT." I yelled looking at my Janson in disgust. Thomas ran over and stood next to me. "How could you she was your wife, my mum." I sobbed again but managing to control it a little."Your a monster mum only wanted to help all these kids you wanted to kill them." I snapped.Thomas whispered to me to go to the plane and he will talk to Teresa. I nodded as I ran out looking at my mums dead body on the floor.When I got to the plane I was in tears.

"OH MY GOD ALISON." Brenda and Jorge yelled running up to me but I was speechless."Woah Ali your alright." they said while I got on the plane and sat down still in shock. Gally,fry,vince and Minho came over and knelt down infront of me."Where's Thomas." Minho asked. "With my monster of a dad and Teresa who wants his blood as a cure." I sniffed and wiped my nose right after."Why you crying love." Gally softly asked stroking my hand."Janson killed mum infront of me after I gave her a hug." I sobbed. Jorge and Brenda put there hands to there face in shock."Mum wasn't even the bad guy she was one of us. She just wanted to save the children but my dad wanted them dead and wanted Mum to fail." I said crying looking at them all."So I wanted her dead for no reason." I sobbed harder.

"Ali." Gally said while I hugged him."I'm sorry my love." He added picking me up so I was on my feet again.Jorge hugged me. "Guess you now don't just have to be my old pal you need to be literally everything." I laughed wiping my nose while Gally kissed my head. Jorge smiled and nodded."I've always been like your dad when you were younger you called me your dad." He smiled.I smiled back trying to hold it together. We laughed as I looked down trying to hide the pain."It's nice to see you gave in mate." I smiled at vince. "Well Aris was worrying his ass off so I had to other wise I'd have to deal with his pain too." He smiled. I laughed at his comment and thought of something."Speaking of Aris where is he." I questioned scanning the plane."Don't worry he's safe with the others he misses you." Vince answered looking at me. "God I miss him so much." I laughed thinking of it.I saw the building that I was in was burning down while Teresa opened the door at the top of the building.

I saw Thomas holding his stomach a lot as I noticed he was shot aswell. "Hey guys he's been shot." I yelled from the front while people ran over to me.Teresa and Thomas struggled getting to the edge as they shared a kiss before moving again.Teresa helped Thomas get up and held him up and they walked towards us.Thomas got to the edge as all of us was trying to get to Thomas to pull him up. "Jump." Vince and Jorge yelled to him as we finally got him on the plane. Everyone was checking on Thomas as I looked at Teresa.

"Teresa?" I asked as they all fell quiet."I'm so sorry Ali I was just trying to help. Your parents are dead, your finally free." She said crying."No tess get on the plane." I said trying to hold my tears back."I can't Ali 've been doing all this for you and I'm glad I saw you again. I honestly missed you,your mum was a lovely woman and I'm sorry that she never showed that side to you because you deserve the world Alison.So go live the life that's waiting out there for you. I've had my life and I've played my part I hope you and Gally last forever alright." She sobbed. "I love you tess." I said softly looking at her smiling a little."I love you too Ali I always will, dont forget me." She smiled at me as the building collapsed.

"NOOOOO TESSSSS." I screamed breaking down into tears. "NOOOOO." Thomas yelled aswell watching her fall to the floor with the burning building. Thomas fainted and I sat back down in tears. "Alison calm down." Gally,Jorge and Brenda all said comforting me. " I can't believe my best friend is gone, my dad is gone, my mum and Newt." I sobbed. "And fucking Ben is gone." I said as my voice kept cracking."It's gonna be fine you still have us and this is forever." Brenda said grabbing my hand.I winced in pain and I lifted my sleeve up revealing where I got shot from eariler."Shit." I whispered looking at Gally with tears flooding out my eyes."HEY WE NEED HELP OVER HERE." Gally yelled as a tear left his eye. He pulled my head onto his chest as someone checked my arm out.I started getting dizzy and I fell into gallys lap. I heard Gally yell my name before I closed my eyes and felt his tears drop onto my face.

Everything went black.


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