𝘀𝘂𝗮 | the devil is a woman | 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥

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Reader Is: Neutral Age (Fantasy AU)
Categories: Fantasy, Romance, Smut
Preferences: Top (SuA), Bottom (Reader)
Summary: The reader takes Bora home after they meet at a bar.

The woman appears as though she's looking for a person. Not like she's meeting anybody, but seeking out someone new.

She takes a seat two stools away from you. Your eyes haven't strayed from her since she walked in the door, and it seems you're not the only one. Men and women alike have turned their heads to check her out, and you can't blame them.

She's stunning with her long black waves, porcelain skin, and tiny, birdlike features. Her clothing and accessories indicate wealth and style, drawing you in just as much as her confident stride.

You can see out of the corner of your eye that someone is closing in; a redhead with a leather outfit and a pair of magnetic eyes that the ravenette is sure to fall for, should she catch a glance.

Even though it's not normal for you to be so forward, something about the pressure of competition makes you interject before anyone else can make a move.

You clear your throat, making the woman look over. As you catch her eye, you ask, "May I buy you a drink?"

She beams at that, seemingly having no qualms with the fact that you've approached her. "Thanks."

Her willingness encourages you, so once she's handed her choice of beverage, you ask, "Are you a regular? This is my first time here."

"Actually, I'm just visiting the area," the woman corrects. "So it's mine, too."

You nod thoughtfully, looking around a bit. "It's nice."

"It'll do." She gives you a once-over, sending a pleasurable – and hopefully unnoticeable – shiver down your spine. "The clientele is certainly top notch."

Your face reddens too much to hide at that. "You're a regular flirt, aren't you?"

The woman shrugs and turns her gaze away as she takes a sip of her drink, a you-got-me-there expression on her face. You smile in amusement as you gesture to her short skirt and muscular legs. "Why, when you look like this? You don't have to do a thing."

"I suppose I deserve all this flustering, when I did it first," the woman giggles.

"At least, you owe me your name."

"I'm Bora. Kim Bora."

As you introduce yourself, Bora smiles. "I have a feeling that name will be on my mind for a long time."

You swallow hard. Bora's advances are getting to you, you have to admit. She's as perfect as they come; at least, for you, she is – the way she speaks, acts, looks. You catch yourself wondering if she tastes perfect, too. You're pretty much sure of it at this point. She even smells perfect, a distinct citrusy bouquet. Orange, your favorite.

"I already know you'll be on mine."

Bora smirks, and you realize what you failed to clarify just before she speaks. "On your what, exactly?"

You decide that it would be best to give in at this point. "Body, I hope."

Bora sets down her drink, and you realize she's already downed a good two-thirds of it. "What are we wasting time for then, exactly?"

"Not sure." You hop off your stool and offer Bora a hand. She accepts it and tags along after you to the door. On the way there, you catch the gaze of the redhead from earlier. She gives you a withering look, and you gloat in response. I'm leaving with the woman everyone wants.

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