𝗴𝗮𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻 | ring around the rosy | 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥

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Reader Is: Neutral Age (Fantasy AU)
Categories: Angst, Fluff
Summary: The reader meets a mysterious unnamed woman (Gahyeon) while on a camping trip.

You'd unintentionally chosen the perfect day. When you decided to plan a weekend camping getaway the previous month, the weather had been a gamble; yet it had turned out wonderfully.

It was sunny, but not too hot thanks to the shade of the beautifully lush trees and nearby lake. A light breeze tickled your arms as you walked along, your backpack your faithful companion. The trek to the campsite wasn't too long at all – just enough to be out of the way of the "real world" and safely into the natural one.

Your site was particularly lovely, in your opinion. The clearing was surrounded by flourishing greens that looked perfect to spread a blanket over. Leafy trees offered just the right amount of shelter to deem the space cozy. Their bases were home to idyllic little mushrooms, even whole circles of them; tiny toadstools that looked straight out of a storybook.

You set down your backpack at the front of the space and began pulling supplies out of it, beginning with your tent. Being for one person as it was, it wasn't hard to set up. Next went in your sleeping bag, then some elaborate animal-proofing of your food was completed. When everything was done, you brushed off your hands and put them on your hips with a satisfied sigh.

You weren't as tired as you thought you might be after finishing the setup, so you decided to go for a short walk while the weather was still nice, just to see what else was around. Sunset could be enjoyed at the lake, dinner could be cooked after: the ideal plan.

As you'd expected, due to the nice weather, the trails were pretty crowded. You passed by someone every couple of minutes, at least. Everyone was friendly, and it was a plenty diverse group – families, people with their pets, couples camping together both for the first time and fiftieth.

Luckily, you were able to find a nice spot at the lake. Its surrounding area was home to large rocks, many of which were draped by sunbathers or serving as play spaces for imaginative children. You clamored up to the edge of a smooth one and sighed blissfully as you took in the sights. Swimmers were still frolicking about, but more and more were heading to shore, leaving the lake peaceful in their wake. You were glad you'd taken your camera and were able to get a few shots. It was refreshing to be reminded of how beautiful the world truly was when you weren't a slave to its busyness. It was also a lot easier to be in tune with oneself, and you noted that you didn't feel hungry until later than you anticipated, leaving you with plenty of time for your photography.

On the way back to the campsite, you spotted some lovely wild baby's breath and slowed to shoot it, kneeling down for the perfect angle. It had grown too dark on your walk, however, to properly capture it, so you decided to pluck a small sprig and save it to dry – a sweet memento of your solo trip.

Twirling it between your fingers, you continued on the few yards further to your campsite.

It was quite funny, really, because it all seemed to happen at once.

At first, it felt like you were falling, but it was painful on the way, not just upon impact. You supposed it would have hurt more if it had been silent, but instead, your ears were suddenly filled with the most magical – and deafening – folk music. It was like someone had just put a speaker on full blast.

Fully sure that you had fainted, you carefully unscrewed your eyes to take a look around you.

You were, surprisingly, still upright. More shockingly, however, you were now only a few inches tall. You were surrounded by seven other beings taking seats on mushrooms, like a council of sorts, who were looking at you with utmost curiosity.

Now you really felt like you were going to faint.

"That's mine, thank you very much."

You whirled on your heel at the light but most certainly fierce voice just as its owner reached for the flower in your hand – which was now your height – and snatched it away.

She was so gorgeous that you forgot to be scared for a moment.

"Who are you...?!"

Her glowing milky skin made her plump, rosy cheeks and piercing dark eyes stand out, but it was her jet-black hair that caught your eye first. Little sprigs of baby's breath were woven into – no, you realized upon closer inspection, they grew from – her beautiful waves. They cascaded onto her shoulders and over her white pinafore dress, which you realized was made of flower petals. Her shimmering sable wings twitched in irritation behind her.

"Never ask a fairy her name! And you – will pay!"

You'd been so focused on the woman's appearance to notice that she was raising her hand, a swirling black cloud aglow streaming from her fingertips to surround you.

A startled scream ripped from your throat as it began to spin you around, setting you off like a top. You fully expected to fall flat on your back when it disappeared, but if anything, it spun you faster once invisible. At least, you presumed it was invisible, because something had to be moving your limbs for you.

You certainly couldn't dance like that.

Your feet moved maniacally, almost knocking you out from under yourself, but it was as though strings held straight your upper body. You felt like a marionette, and quite a talented one at that, but not happily so. Though your limbs still moved with utter ease, you were already beginning to tire, your breath lessening by the second.

With eyes nearly crossed in dizziness, you found the fairy back on one of the toadstool chairs, smugly enjoying the scene as she sang along with the rest of the fae. Since she looked so pleased with you – or her work on you, at least – you presumed that once the song was over, she'd let you go, your price paid. You'd certainly never do that again.

Amidst the rushing wind in your ears as you twirled and leaped against your own will, you strained hard to hear what it was they were saying, but dread filled you as you finally caught hold of the lyrics.

You can't escape, you're in my hands

Inside an endless, repeating nightmare

Stay trapped like this forever

Just for me, like a doll

On your next whirl around the closest you could get, you asked the fairy desperately, "How long will I be here?"

She just laughed.

Baby, good night.

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