𝘀𝘂𝗮 | seduction

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Reader Is: Younger Non-Member
Categories: Romance, Smut
Preferences: Switch (SuA, Reader)
Summary: The reader, Dreamcatcher's contracted choreographer for their upcoming comeback, unknowingly seduces SuA.

Though you weren't without nerves when you thought about working with the idol group Dreamcatcher for their upcoming comeback, the fact that Kim SuA would be there made you feel relatively at ease.

You'd danced with her years and years ago when you were both trainees, before you decided that you'd rather be a choreographer than an idol. She had always been kind to you. The two of you had hit it off because, well, you were flirts; you understood each other's language. You were the loudest people in class, always joking around with each other. If you weren't the top performing and most dedicated students, you likely would have gotten into a lot more trouble than you did.

But you'd lost touch after parting ways, what with your busy schedules and all, so you were looking forward to reconnecting with SuA. Perhaps after seeing each other in person again, you might be able to squeeze in a lunch date if you still got along so well – and it seemed that was going to be the case.

"Hey, you!"


The exclamations rang out from both ends of the room so loudly that everyone else jumped. You ran through the doorway and directly into SuA's arms, picking her up and twirling her around as both of you fell into peals of laughter.

"I missed you!" she said as you put her down. She gave you a pout, her brown eyes wide and watery for effect.

"I missed you too, unnie," you replied affectionately. "I can't believe they're letting us be in the same room again..."

"Different company, they don't know our history," SuA cackled, waving a dismissive hand at the now-bewildered members and staff behind her. "We'll show them a good time."

"Hey, I'm in charge today!" You punched SuA's shoulder teasingly, giving her a grin. "We're gonna get some work done."

"Oh, I'll get something done," she muttered. Your old instincts resurfaced in just the nick of time for you to avoid her naughty hands threatening to grab your butt.

"Hey! Get on the floor, Ms. Kim Bora!"

The other members looked thoroughly shocked, glancing from you to SuA as though waiting for a real fight to break out, but she just laughed and did as she was told. The rest of the girls followed her lead, so you stepped to the front of the room and turned around to observe your new pupils.

After a proper introduction from both parties, you lead everyone in some warmups before jumping into a discussion of the routine that you'd prepared.

When Dreamcatcher Company had seen your work per SuA's recommendation, they challenged you to give them their best shot. You frequently worked with their main choreographer, Hwang Sooyeon, on your own time; so you'd created a piece together that you had full confidence in. She couldn't be there for the first day of practice, however, leaving you on your own.

But you knew that with SuA there, you'd be able to get through it.

Your work mentality kicked in instantaneously. The piece would only feature the girls – no backup dancers, keeping the spotlight on them. That made your job a bit easier, but that wasn't to say it would all be smooth sailing. You were making corrections left and right, cleaning up bit by bit so that there wouldn't be anything to fix later on.

You didn't have to worry about SuA, though. You hardly gave her a second glance throughout the whole session. She was nailing it, you could tell just by watching her every so often. She didn't require any of the hands-on work that some of the other girls did, nor really much of your attention at all.

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