𝘆𝗼𝗼𝗵𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻 | perfectly imperfect

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Reader Is: Neutral Age (Non-DC AU)
Categories: Fluff, Smut
Preferences: Top (Reader), Bottom (Yoohyeon)
Summary: Best friends Yoohyeon and the reader spend an evening together that becomes about exploration of a first love.

Everything came naturally with Kim Yoohyeon. Your best friend was an easy girl to love. In fact, it would be quite hard not to feel such a way for that willowy blonde, who was always laughing and usually tripping over her own two feet.

So, it was unsurprising that you had secretly fallen in love with her, from the roots of her golden waves to the sky-blue-painted tips of her toes and the satin dresses in between. Hard.

It was especially predictable when she was as sweet on you as she was, complimenting you between flashes of her film camera with cheesy grins thrown in for good measure. Those big brown eyes told you all of her words before her rosy lips did, yet she spoke them aloud anyway. "You're so pretty today."

"Yooh, you're shaking the boat when you lean forward too quickly like that."

The chastisement was offered with a bashful blush to soften its delivery, assuring Yoohyeon that you were rather shy than mad. She responded with a giggle that made you look back from the blue waters to observe her instead.

"Sorry. It's just that I really wanted a good shot of your eyes, cause they look so nice in the sunlight."

"Oh, is that so?" You rolled the orbs back in your head for dramatic effect, but that did nothing to hide the growing smile on your face. Yoohyeon tittered again when she noticed it. "Thanks. You're cheesy."

"You love it," Yoohyeon asserted.

You couldn't deny that, so you just turned your gaze again. "Speaking of sunlight, it's getting pretty sparse now. Feels like it's getting a little colder out here."

Yoohyeon nodded slowly, fair-skinned face filled with regret as she spoke. "I s'pose we should be heading in."

"Right." With that, you began guiding the boat back to shore as Yoohyeon – much more slowly – leaned back to admire you do so. Her lingering gaze on your biceps made you more than a little bashful.

As you worked, she talked. "D'you think we can make milkshakes tonight before the movie comes on? I have plenty of cherries, and one would be great on top..."

Plenty was an understatement. Yoohyeon had been spending so much time outside harvesting the tart fruits in her backyard that her nose had all but turned the same color as their surface. "That sounds great. Like the good ol' diner kind?"

"What else is there?" Yoohyeon giggled. "We'll have only the best."

Well, that you might have, if Yoohyeon had enough ice cream to share. When you got inside, you discovered that there was only enough left for one proper serving. Since you both still wanted the sweet treat, you agreed to split what you could get.

After you blended the vanilla treat together with some milk, you rummaged around in the kitchen cupboard to get two small cups to pour the mixture into, but Yoohyeon had already beaten you to the punch when you turned back around.

"You're just gonna use one glass?"

"This is my diner-style glass! Can't have a milkshake in anything else, can we?" Yoohyeon grinned.

"B-But we'll have to share it between us?" you asked, trailing hurriedly after Yoohyeon to the couch. She had already turned on the television, and you could hear the opening music of the movie that you had been anticipating.

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