𝘀𝗶𝘆𝗲𝗼𝗻 | i love you | 2023 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭

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Reader Is: Neutral Age (Non-DC AU)
Categories: Fluff
Summary: The reader contemplates what to say upon seeing her long-distance girlfriend Siyeon after a year.
Author's Note: Dialogue from my Reason: Makes experience ʚɞ

There was so much that you wanted to say to Lee Siyeon. How could you fit an entire monologue into mere seconds, your whole heart into a few words?

You didn't know, but you'd have to try.

Because surely, upon seeing your long-distance girlfriend for the first time in a year, the sentiments that you would exchange would quickly be drowned out by sobs. If you had to bet on it, you'd feel damn confident gambling that Siyeon would cry instantaneously.

You were still debating what to say as you shifted your weight from foot to foot, staring at the airport floor as though it were the most interesting thing in the world. Her plane had landed, the large monitor to your left told you; and all that there was left to do was wait.

And wait.

And wait some more.

The only upside to that was the amount of time that you were granted to think.

Yes, that little black velvet box in your pocket was calling to you, as it had been since the day that you got it. But you weren't sure that you wanted to pull out the sparkly ring that you had ordered in her size at that moment. After all, she would be exhausted after flying halfway across the world, and an airport wasn't really the most romantic place to propose.

You would save that for a little later. The right moment would present itself, you knew, and that was why you kept the ring on you.

So, you decided on saying something simple instead, just something – anything – that would tell her just how much you had missed her.

At the moment, just that seemed appropriate: I missed you.

Yet somehow, that didn't summarize everything perfectly. Yes, you had missed Siyeon like crazy, but was that what you wanted to focus on? The past?

It didn't feel quite right. It wasn't really true to who the two of you were. You were never ones to think about what had already gone by, least of all when you had been separated by distance.

There was a sentiment that you knew she would appreciate hearing, alternatively: you're my paradise.

That came with reservations, too. Sure, Siyeon would like it, but it was hardly original. She was the one who had penned the song that inspired it. She was the one who had "Paradise is where I am," tattooed on her neck, right where you always cradled her head. She was the one who said that to you, not the other way around.

As you thought, you stood on your tiptoes, peeking around the crowd at those who were meandering around the pickup area.

She's blonde, blonde, you reminded yourself. She had dyed her hair while you were apart, and though you were most fond of the wavy raven tresses that she had sported all the way back when you first met, it was an exciting notion to have something different to look forward to.

In fact, there were many new things to anticipate.

Most of all the fact that there was no parting to dread, for Siyeon wouldn't leave you this time around.

She wouldn't repack her suitcase and put it in the trunk of your car while staring blankly at its plastic exterior to avoid crying.

She wouldn't sit in the passenger's seat with her hand over yours, staring out the window as you two spent the few remaining minutes that you had together in silence.

She wouldn't kiss you goodbye as her tears finally swam down her soft cheeks and dripped onto her sweatshirt that she always tore off and gave to you just before she disappeared from view.

You had already done all that for the last time. Now, she was yours.


To stay.

You were mulling that over, a subconscious smile on your lips, as a new group of people suddenly began to flood in through the sliding doors that released them to the public section of the airport. You were immediately on high alert.

This was her plane. It had to be.

But you began to lose hope after the first thirty people had filtered by with no sign of your girlfriend.

There were planes arriving all the time, seeing as you were at an international airport in a destination city. The chances that it was just another full flight were high.

Not to mention that she hadn't texted you yet. Wouldn't she have done that already?

You were just about to check your phone when a curly blonde ponytail swinging in the air caught your eye from several yards away.


She was looking around the crowd, offering polite smiles and bows to those that she nearly avoided colliding with in her hurry.

Then she saw you.

Her huge chocolate eyes that you loved so much looked even wider than usual as her tawny brows drew together above them in an expression of utter, almost desperate sincerity.

Had you decided on something to say to her? You suddenly couldn't remember. A feeling near panic flooded your body as she kept a steady pace to meet you, black boots striding almost at a run. You were completely speechless, yet you would have to try to speak anyway.

But before you could even open your mouth, words were flowing out of hers over the drone of the crowd, reaching you just before her arms did.

They were hardly original, but they were perfect.

The sentence was better than anything that you had contemplated saying to her, though you'd probably tell her all that later anyway.

But at the moment, all that you wanted to do was listen to her sentiments: three perfect little words that could fit an entire monologue into a few seconds, her whole heart into them. Something simple that told you just how much she missed you without saying just that.

Yes, that was perfect:

"I love you."

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