𝘀𝘂𝗮 | right number

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Reader Is: Neutral Age Non-Member
Categories: Fluff
Summary: Bora/SuA accidentally calls the reader's number instead of JiU's and a connection blossoms.

"Hello?" You answered your phone rather brusquely, biting back a sigh as you spoke. You didn't know who could be calling you from an unknown number, but it surely couldn't be very important. You had a bunch of work that you should have been doing rather than talking on the phone.

The voice on the other line was eerily familiar. While it began talking at a mile a minute, your brain spun trying to place where you had heard it before. "JiU, I called you a million times! Why aren't you answering? But my dad is driving me up a wall, really, it's getting bad. He just called to tell me..."

You stood stock-still in the middle of your kitchen, holding the phone to your ear in utter confusion. You didn't think that you were receiving a prank call, but the person certainly had the wrong number, since your name was not JiU. It made your heart jump as you thought about the leader of your favorite K-pop group, but that was your only connection to the name. Yet still, there was an overwhelming familiarity to the voice's sharp tone and quick pace. You were beginning to wonder if one of your friends had dialed the wrong person.

"I don't know wh—" you started as the voice paused to take a breath. Unfortunately, you were quickly cut off as it started in again. You repeated the unfinished sentence once more before simply giving in with a resigned sigh, letting the voice continue until all of its problems were out on the table.

"Are you done now?" you finally asked as the voice took a breath of satisfaction.

There was a pause from the other end of the line, before the voice asked in a bewildered tone, "...JiU?"

"Sorry, no." You gave the caller an introduction of your own in exchange. "And who are you?"

But when the voice spoke again, your jaw dropped as a shocking recognition clicked in your brain. "I-I'm Kim Bora...I must have had the wrong number."

To say that you were surprised that Kim Bora, better known as SuA from Dreamcatcher, was on the phone with you was an understatement. To say that you were suddenly a likely candidate for a heart attack would have been a much better description.

SuA continued speaking, albeit much more slowly than she had been before. "I-I'm very sorry. You listened to everything I said and just let me rant? Why didn't you hang up? It was very kind of you to stay on the phone, even if you didn't know what I was talking about."

"Sometimes..." you began, regaining enough of your senses to utter a sentence in return. "We just need someone to listen to us, even if it's a stranger." Plus, she wasn't a stranger to you – but she didn't know that, and you felt that it was best to keep it that way for now.

"I suppose that's true," SuA said softly after a moment of pause. "Maybe I did have the right number after all."

"I think you did," you replied, a small smile playing on your lips. "Why don't you save my number? You can call me whenever you want. I work from home. I'll listen to you."

"You too," SuA said quickly. "I'm always busy, though, so text me, okay? But I want to listen to you, too. We'll be venting buddies."

"Sure, I'll – I can text you."

"Okay. Um, t-thanks again. Talk to you soon."

"Anytime, Bora. Talk soon."

As time passed, you and SuA did indeed vent to each other as you needed. SuA never mentioned Dreamcatcher or any of the girls. Most of her problems came from her family or as a result of being tired and little stresses adding up. As for yourself, you found plenty to rant about with work, but you never anticipated just how helpful having SuA's number in your phone could be until about a month after your first interaction.

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