Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Katniss’s POV:

We lay there in the meadow and I take it all in. I love Peeta, I really do. 

“You know Peeta, I love you and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“Me either, your my whole life.”

Peeta leans in and so do I and when our lips touch, it feels like fireworks just went off and I feel a fiery sensation in my stomach. 

When we separate I still feel my lips tingling.

“Let’s get going,” Peeta says.


We pick up the blanket and the basket and walk to Katniss’s house.

When we get there we sit on the couch. 

“Hey Katniss, now that I think about it, we are together, so don’t you think we should move in together? So do you want to move in?”

“Oh my gosh Peeta! I’d love too!”

I gather my stuff and we head to Peeta’s house. 

“Wow we’ve really been spending a lot of time at my house!”

“Yeah I know!” said Peeta.

We unpack my stuff and put it in the bedroom. Then, we sit on the couch and turn on the television.

I turn to Peeta, “Wow! I can’t believe the journey we’ve had with our relationship!”

“Yeah I know, it’s insane, but it was all worth it!”

He looked at me sweetly and kissed me softly on the lips.

“You know what Katniss, I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight!”

“Okay! That sounds nice!”

I go upstairs to our room and I change into a sunset orange dress (Peeta’s favorite color) with white heels and head downstairs. Peeta already got ready before me so he was waiting downstairs for me.

“Wow Katniss! You look amazing!”

“I’m glad you like it!”

I take Peeta’s hand and we get into the car.

“Where are we going?”

“I guess your going to have to find out!”

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