Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Peeta's POV:


Katniss is now 5 months pregnant and she's doing well. Today we're going to the doctor's to check on the baby and to find out what the gender is.

I take Katniss's hand and we walk to the car.

"Are you ready?" I ask Katniss.

"Yeah. I'm ready. I want to know if this little person is a boy or a girl. Either way I'll be happy."

"Me too."

We drive to the doctor's office and the doctor comes in.

"Are you guys ready to know the gender of your baby?"


"Well let's get started."

Katniss lies down on the bed as he puts the gel on her stomach and the picture shows us on the screen. You can now more distinctly tell the features of the baby.

"The baby looks very healthy. The gender of the baby though is.... A GIRL!"

"Oh my gosh Katniss this is amazing!"

"I know! I love you!"

"I love you too!"

I kiss her lips hard and then the doctor wipes the gel off. 

"Come back next month okay? Congratulations!"

"Thank you so much!" says Katniss.

We go home and decide that we should tell everyone.

"How should we tell them?" asks Katniss.

"How about we organize a get-together in the backyard and when everyone is here, we serve them cupcakes that are pink to signify that we're having a girl!"

"That's a great idea! Let's do it!"

<><><><> THE NEXT DAY <><><><>

Katniss's POV:

Peeta finishes baking the cupcakes as everyone gather's in the backyard.

Peeta brings out the cupcakes with the pink cake, but chocolate icing overtop.

"Okay everyone. We gave you all cupcakes for a reason. Once we tell you, you've going to cut into your cupcake and if the cupcake is blue, then we're having a boy. If the cupcake is pink, then we're having a girl," says Peeta.

"Okay 1 2 3 go!" I say.

Everyone digs into their cupcakes the find them pink. They are ecstatic!

"Oh my gosh guys! I can't believe there's going to be a mini girl on fire!" says Johanna.

"Congratulations!" says my mom while hugging us.

"Thanks so much!" I say.

"Well well well. It looks like your having a girl." says Haymitch.


We talk and hang out with everyone for the rest of the day. After everyone leaves, Peeta and I sit on the couch and watch some TV.

"I can't believe we're having a girl!" says Peeta while putting his hand on top of my stomach.

I lay my hand on top of his and we look down at my now growing baby bump.

"I can't wait for this little girl to come in 5 months!" I say.

"Me too!" 

We kiss passionately and then we go to bed.

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