Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Katniss’s POV:

I wake up thinking, this is it, my wedding is today and I feel very excited.

As soon as I go downstairs, the girls come up to me.

“Katniss, you have to start getting ready!” says Effie.

“The wedding isn’t until 1:00!”

“Well getting you dressed up is going to take a while!” says Johanna.

“Fine, but let me eat breakfast first!” I say.

As soon as I finish breakfast, the girls take me upstairs and tell me to put my dress on.

After I put it on, the girls start doing my hair and makeup. When they’re done, I stand in front of the mirror.

My hair was flowing down in soft curls, with light makeup.

“Katniss, you look beautiful!” says Annie.

“Thank you, I mean you guys did it for me!”

I look at the time and realize I have to leave for the wedding now!

Peeta’s POV:

I look in the mirror and adjust my blue tie to my grey tux and leave for the wedding in the meadow.

I get there and stand near the arch at the end of the aisle in the meadow.

The music starts playing and I see Katniss walking down the aisle in the meadow.

She looks beautiful.

She has Haymitch by her side as her luscious brown curls blow in the wind.

Once Katniss reaches me, I take her hand. 

The officiant says, “We are gathered here today to join Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark in holy matrimony.”

He says everything and then comes the vows.

“Peeta Mellark, you may now say your vows.”

“Katniss Everdeen, I haved loved you ever since I was little and I always have. Our love has been a roller coaster ride, but it was all worth it to be with you. I can’t imagine my life without you and your my world. This time the wedding is real, not for the Capitol. I love you Katniss, and I always will.”

I look at her and she has tears in her eyes.

“Katniss Everdeen, you may now saw your vows.”

“Peeta Mellark, your the love of my life. Your my world and you bring a smile to my face everyday. I knew I loved you since you hit the forcefield and I will never stop loving you. Your my boy with the bread and nothing will ever change that. I love you so much and I want to be with you for the rest of my life until I die.”

She looks over at me and even I have tears in my eyes.

“Now Katniss Everdeen, do you take Peeta Mellark to be you lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Peeta Mellark, take Katniss Everdeen to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

I kiss Katniss with such passion as our lips move in sync. I didn’t want to let go, but when we do, I take Katniss’s hand and we run down the meadow.

As soon as we reach the end of the meadow, I grab her and hug her tight.

She swings her legs in the air and once we let go I say, “So Katniss Mellark, shall we go to our reception?”

“We shall.”

I laugh and then I kiss her hard on the lips.

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