Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Peeta's POV:


After spending a few days at the hospital, it's now time to go home with Willow.

"Are you ready Katniss?"

"Yes, let me get Willow into her carseat."

She lifts Willow who is now a little bit bigger and puts her into her little carseat and I take it from her.

"Let's go," I say.

We check out of the hospital and walk out to the car. I put Willow in the car and sit at the driver's seat. I take Katniss's hand and kiss it.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thanks for making me feel better."

"Anything for you."

I kiss her lightly and she kisses back and then I start the car.

We drive back home and walk inside.

I take Willow out of her carseat and hand her to Katniss.

"It looks like she's tired," says Katniss while holding a sleeping Willow in her arms, "I'm going to put her to bed."

"I'll come with you."

We head upstairs to Willow's nursery that is light pink with a wooden crib and we lay her down.

"Look how precious she is," I say.

"I know. C'mon let's let her sleep."

We walk downstairs and sit on the couch.

"Finally we get to sit down. I'm exhausted!" says Katniss while laying her head on my shoulder.

I kiss her forehead and let her sleep until 15 minutes later when we hear a cry from upstairs.

"I'll get her," I say.

"Okay, thanks."

I walk upstairs and pick up Willow who is still crying and I try to calm her down. I bring her downstairs to Katniss who is waiting on the couch.

"Look who it is Willow! It's your mommy!"

Willow smiles and makes little noises until she starts to cry again.

"I think she's hungry!"

I grab a bottle and heat up some milk and put the bottle in her mouth. I then hand her to Katniss as Willow starts to fall back to sleep.

"I'm going to but her back down," says Katniss.

She leaves upstairs and comes back down a minute later.

I walk over to her and place my hand around her waist.

"Is she asleep?"


"Are you tired?"


I tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.

"C'mon let's go to bed," I say.

We walk upstairs and climb into bed. Soon, I'm in a deep sleep.

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