Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Katniss's POV:


I'm now 9 months along and the baby could come at any moment. Peeta and I are sitting in the living room watching TV. Peeta lays his hand on my stomach and kisses it saying, "I can't wait for her to arrive!"

"I know! She's a stubborn one!"

"That's for sure!"

Just then I feel a sharp pain and water everywhere.

"Peeta the baby is coming!"

Peeta grabs our things and her walks me to the car.

He drives us to the hospital as the pain continues.

We arrive at the hospital and they put me in a hospital bed.

"It's going to be okay Katniss. How do you feel?"

"Uh, what do you think?"

"I'll be here the whole time. It'll be worth it once our little girl is here.


Peeta's POV:

After a couple hours, our little girl finally arrived.

Just then, Katniss wakes up.

"Where is she?"

"She's right here," I say while pointing to a little clear crib sitting right next to the bed.

"Can I hold her? I haven't seen her since she was born. Wait, how long has it been?"

"You've been sleeping for about an hour. Here she is," I say as I hand her to Katniss.

Katniss's POV:

I hold my little girl in my arms and I couldn't be happier!

I stare down at her little face, which is a combination of Peeta and I's and I also see her dark brown hair that resembles mine and her piercing blue eyes like Peeta.

"She's beautiful Peeta!"

"I know! I love you Katniss."

"I love you too!"

I kiss him softly and release a couple seconds later to find the baby asleep.

"We need to come up with a name for her," says Peeta.

We talk about the name for a while and come up with one just as a ton of visitors come in.

"Hi guys how are you?" asks Annie, while holding Finnie.

"We're doing just fine," says Peeta.

"Look Finnie! This is going to be a future friend of yours!" I say.

Finnick walks over to our little bundle of joy and smiles.

"So, what have you decided to name her?" asks Johanna.

"We have decided to name her Willow Primrose Mellark," says Peeta

"That's beautiful!" says Effie.

"Thank you!" I say.

I look up at Peeta and we smile at each other.

A little while later after everyone leaves, Peeta and I lay on the hospital bed whispering and looking at Willow.

"You did it Katniss!"

"No, we did it."

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