Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Peeta’s POV:

I’m lying in bed with Katniss lying asleep next to me thinking...

I did it...

I proposed to Katniss and she said yes!

I can’t believe Katniss is my fiance!

I keep sinking all the feelings and excitement in until I eventually fall asleep.


I wake up and the spot next to me is empty.

I head downstairs and find Katniss in the living room watching tv.

I go behind the couch and wrap my arms around her neck in a hug.


“Well hello Peeta! You scared me a little!”

“Well I’m sorry. I can’t hug my fiance?”

“Oh I like that word... fiance.”

“Now I can call you my fiance!”

“Yes you can and you’re all mine.”

We kiss and then we go into the kitchen for breakfast.

“So Katniss, what shall my fiance have for breakfast?”

“Can your finace have some chocolate chip pancakes?”

“Yes she can. I’ll start making them right now.”

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome.”

Once I finish making them, we sit at the table and start eating.

“So Katniss when do you want our wedding?”

“Well today is February 2th, so do you want it on July 4th?”

“Katniss that sounds great! Our wedding on the fourth of July! We can even have fireworks! It’s going to be the best day ever! Especially with you.”

“Aw Peeta.”

We kiss hard on the lips and then we go get dressed.

After we got dressed, we head downstairs and we hear a knock on the door.

“Hey guys! C’mon in!”

Haymitch and Effie walk through the door and sit down on the couch.

“So what are you doing here?” asked Katniss.

Then Effie said, “We just came to talk and catch up.”

“Oh okay!” said Katniss.

Effie then notices the ring on Katniss’s finger.

“Oh my gosh Katniss is that an engagement ring?”

“Yes it is.”

“Oh my! It’s beautiful.”

Haymitch pats me on the back and says...

“Well, well look who proposed huh?”

“Yes I did and it was very romantic.”

“Yes it was. I am so happy! I love Peeta so much!”

“I love you too!”

We kiss and then Haymitch says...

“Well that enough for me. Let’s get going.”

“Bye guys!” said both of them, and then they left.

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