II. Midnight

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Wearing my usual black outfit – black tank top, black leather pants, black combat boots, black leather jacket with black fingerless gloves. Finishing it with a white mask, a crescent moon with cherry blossoms on the right side – my trademark, a color contrasting my outfit, and personally embroidered by Mina.

Being nervous was what I usually felt before the race, but tonight I felt different, uneasy feeling coursed through me. Hands sweating, my breath quickens – I don't like this feeling at all.

"For how many years of racing, I'm still not used to the noise." I mumbled, irritatingly. 

"Suck it up." Lary said, sitting on the passenger side.

Cheers, whistles, screams, claps, blaring music, and roaring of engines can be heard throughout the area.

As I parked my car at the track field, Lary came out and seconds later I followed her.

Cheers loudly erupted. I roam my eyes around, people standing, sitting, and jumping behind the barricades.

"I'll be going now, the race will start shortly." Lary said, leaning forward as the noise overpowered her. I nodded and sat on the hood of my car, legs crossing as I wait for the other racers.

Seconds later, different colors of cars park beside me. A smirk now on my lips, even though they can't see it.

"Ah, the queen itself! Gracing us with her presence." Jackson lazily said, placing a hand over my shoulder, kissing my temple earning a chuckle from me.

Jackson is my closest when it comes to racing. Although he didn't know nor saw my face, we immediately clicked and became friends.

"All hail to the queen." Bam teased, sitting on my left, messing my hair, a tsk came out from me, lightly slapping his hands away.

Brandon or Bam as to what he prefers is the younger brother of Jackson.

"Now kneel before your queen." I said, head up high, both arms raising, the three of us laughed afterwards.

Others call us the trio, since I started racing, Jackson was the undefeated champion that time, then I beat him on a silly dare, we instantly became friends. Then slowly race per race, winning all of them. And recently Bam joined his brother who is also a monster in the field.

"Ready, Night?" Bam asked. 

"Why ask when I always win." I replied.

Jackson scoffed and messed my hair, sending a playful glare to him, "Let's see, shall we?" He said as he walked back to his car. Bam also did but not before winking at me.

Shrugging my shoulders as I sat on the hood of my car. A feeling of being watched was then I felt, sending shivers to my body.

A total of twenty cars are now present at the starting line. The announcer begins to mention the racers. Cheers once again erupted from the crowd.

"Here we have. King J!" Jackson waved his hands around, sending winks to the girls who then squealed.

"Give it up for Double B!" Bam who also waved did a little bow imitating a prince.

Shaking my head at them still sitting on the hood of my car. Waiting for my name to be called.

"And we have the queen herself. Make some noise for Midnight!" standing up as I looked around, my confidence boosting as I hear the cheers and screams.

I then went in my car, buckling my seat belt, fingers gripping tightly at the steering wheel. A girl with little to no clothes then walks in the center holding a green flag. Engines begin to roar.

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