XIX. Pain

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It's been weeks since the last time I saw Mika and I'm starting to get worried.

Sitting at the meeting room my arm crossing across my chest, nibbling my thumb as I begin to get anxious where Mika is, seconds later, a voice startled me.

"Mr. Stark, a video has been sent to you anonymously. Would you like me to play it for you?" Jarvis asked still not used to how advanced the technology is.

"Yes." He answered, everyone's attention now at the front watching what the video was all about.

A girl sitting on a chair, head hung lifelessly, her arms and feet tightly tied to the chair, it didn't take long for me to recognize who it was.

"Mika." I said, hands automatically covers my mouth as my eyes began to sting.

Body full of cuts, blood gushing from her wounds, hair matted with her own blood. My head pounded, feeling different emotions inside the room.

A man wearing a white lab coat and a mask walked behind her, harshly gripping her hair yanking her head up, a grunt erupted from her earning a series of angry growl from them.

A gasp escaped from me, angry bruises can be seen on her beautiful face, black eye, busted lip, redden cheeks, handprint on her neck, and a wound from her right cheek to her jaw blood dripping from it.

Tears trickled my cheeks eyes still on the monitor, a laugh sounded behind the camera. Sending chills down my nerves, my breath hitched hearing the voice, the voice that always haunts me.

"Hello Avengers and I assume you're with them, Mina." the voice started as my body froze. "I also have my own intel, Fury." He said, sarcastically, silence engulfing the room as we listened to him.

"As you can see, she is my very own prized possession. My destroyer, my queen, my dear luna." He muttered, dramatically, a laugh erupted from him causing goosebumps all over my body.

"I was heartbroken finding out who her soulmates are, oh my dear luna. How come she had such soulmates like you. You don't deserve her at all, you're not worthy of her, of such power." He continued, adoringly.

"But hear my word for this video I'm sending you is not a threat, for this is farewell, a remembrance of her for you as this will be the last time you'll ever see her." He said as the video ends with his laugh.

"Aro that damn bastard." Uncle mumbled.

"Who was that?" Peter asked as uncle looked at me.

"Phaw." I whispered.

"Who?" Tony asked.

"Phaw. That's our father." I answered.

Silence surrounded the room as I continued to cry silently, mind still processing what I saw. The door opened, Natasha entered the room with a manila folder in her hands.

"I found this in her apartment, everything was thrashed and destroyed, luckily she hid this very well." She said, placing the manila folder at the table.

Fury took it and opened, "Where the hell did this come from?" He asked, furiously.

Pouring the contents out, bunch of pictures scattered on the table feeling creeped out as I picked one, it was a picture of Mika and I swimming at the river.

"And it includes a letter." Natasha said, Tony took the letter projecting it at the front, letting everyone see it. My tears stop, eyebrows furrowing at the strange letter.

"The misspelled words." Peter said, earning everyone's attention, "Look at the misspelled words, it is either a letter is doubled or another letter replaced it." He continued, "It is also like a code." He added.

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