VIII. Almost

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"So how are you my rosie posie?" I asked, sitting on my couch, video calling her. 

"Busy, but I still managed to make some time for myself and for my soulmate." She replied.

"Oh, your soulmate huh. Tell me about him." I said, munching some chips. 

"He's perfect. His name is Jareth Park. Sweet, gentleman, he also has a beautiful voice, and can dance especially ballet. He owns a company and his family is wonderful, very welcoming. I was so nervous meeting them for the first time, but they welcomed me wholeheartedly with open arms. He takes me out on a date, makes me laugh, and loves me." She replied as I continued to listen to her.

I hummed, "He better not make you cry or else he'll say bye bye to his baby making machine." I said pointing a chip at her, hearing her laugh. 

"Oh, you're cute when you're protective, Li." She said.

"Just saying." I said, shrugging my shoulders, "About your upcoming fashion show, how was it?" I inquired.

"Oh, everything was perfectly going according to my plan, a minor problem but I already took care of it. Overall, everything is fine, Jareth is also helping me. Enough of me, let's talk about you. Anything particular happened?" She asked.

Swallowing the chips, drinking some beer, "Nothing really happened. Just my plain old boring life. Managing the coffee shop. I've recently taken some interest in photography. So far so good, I'm still breathing and beautiful." I said, earning a laugh from her.

"Oh, you and your silliness. Have you met any of your soulmates?" She asked, stopping me from eating the chips, looking at the screen, I scoffed.

"Nope." I answered by popping the 'p'.

Oh, my rosie posie I've already met four of them and I ran away from them – twice.

"Don't worry Li, you'll eventually meet them." She said.

"Hey, no need to be sad for me, okay. Besides, I'm a strong independent woman, Rosie posie." I replied, wiggling my eyebrows. Rolling her eyes at me, a smile on her lips.

Hours of catching up as we said our goodbyes, promising I'll go to her fashion show. Looking at the time.

11:00 PM

Dialing Justin, seconds later a deep husky voice answered, "Hello, sprout. What makes you call this late at night?" He asked, letting out a deep sigh.

"Mina's in danger. And I'll be needing you to manage the coffee shop again. I'm going to handle something and it may take some time to finish it." I replied.

"What?! And you're going to handle it on your own? No, it's too dangerous love." He said, hysterically.

"Hey J, relax. I've got some help. I'll update you whenever I can." I said, assuring him.

"It's still dangerous, squirt. I can't let you hurt yourself." He said, letting out a sigh.

"J, it's okay. I'll do anything to keep Mina safe. And I'll make sure to keep myself safe. How about this. I'll call you whenever I can, deal?" I said, hearing him sigh.

"I can't change your mind, am I right?" He asked, nodding my head although he couldn't see it.

"Yeah." I answered him softly. 

"Promise me you'll be careful, that you'll come back to me, to us, safe and alive, and call me every time." He said, worriedly.

"I promise J." I answered.

"Okay, I'll manage the shop. Come back immediately you know I'm not keen on handling a business." He said, chuckling at him.

"You always say that." I said.

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