XIII. Party I

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Slowly opening my eyes as rays of sun peeked through the curtain, noticing someone's head laying on my arm, face snuggling in between my chest, arms draped over my waist, and our legs intertwining.

Looking down, seeing Natasha sleeping as I slowly moved, careful not to wake her, she snuggled closer, holding me tighter as she lets out a grunt and continued to sleep.

Lightly tracing her face, her flawless face, perfectly trimmed eyebrows, long eyelashes that almost touch her cheeks, cute straight nose, and plump lips.

Her beautiful red hair, removing some out from her face, my thumb lightly caressing her cheeks to her jaw.

As my finger drawing circles on her neck to her arm as I continue to look at her, at my beautiful soulmate.

"Keep doing that, любимая. Your hands are so warm." Natasha mumbled.

Gently brushing her hair, a hum of satisfaction vibrated on my chest, halting my action as she looked at me, her eyes, something about her green eyes.

When she looks at me, I get the warm and serene sensation that she adores me, cares for me, and knows me more than myself.

"Good morning, милая." She greeted, smiling at me, her thumb caressing on my lips, smiling back at her as I leaned, kissing her forehead.

"Good morning. Although I don't understand a thing about what you called me." I replied, earning a chuckle from her.

"Russian." She muttered.

Humming, although confused about what she said, a knock on the door echoed inside the room.

As the door opened, Steve's head peeked, "Good morning. Breakfast is ready, doll." He said, smiling at me, his smile widens seeing Natasha comfortably cuddling me.

"Good morning, Nat. I was wondering where you were." He stated, "She rarely cuddles anyone." He added, looking at me.

Smiling at what he said, "We'll be there, Steve." I answered.

"Okay, but better hurry before Tony and Clint eat all of the pancakes." He muttered, earning a chuckle from me.

"Roger that, Captain." I said, winking at him, shaking his head as he left.

"Nat, I think we should get ready." I said to her, a grunt escaped from her, holding me tightly.

"We can eat later." She replied and snuggled closer.

"I'm hungry." I stated, earning a sigh from her, looking at her as she pouted her lips, leaning in kissing her forehead, "Come on, before the pancakes are gone." I added as we stood up.

"There they are." Tony said, chewing. As I was about to sit, Bruce placed me on his lap earning a surprise squeak from me, "Bruce, I'm heavy." I said to him.

"You weigh like a feather, baby. Now open up." He mumbled, placing a fork with a pancake in front of me. 

"I can do it myself, Bruce." I said, looking at him, shaking his head as he nudged the fork closer.

Sighing as I opened my mouth, Bruce smiled brightly and continued to feed me.

"Party tonight everyone." Tony casually announced. 

"Tony enjoys throwing parties whenever he can, babe." Bruce stated, sensing my confusion earning an 'oh' from me, nodding my head.

"Are you done?" Natasha asked me, looking at Bruce's plate seeing that it's already empty, I nod my head.

"Good, be ready at 5. We'll be leaving." She said, standing up.

"Where?" I asked.

"Shopping." She replied, kissing Tony, Steve, Clint, and Bruce on the cheeks, and left.

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