XVI. Two More

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Still in daze at what I've just discovered, walking around the area, hood over my head, hands on the pocket of my hoodie, head hung low, eyes on the asphalt pavement.

A muffled scream caught my attention, walking towards the noise, I saw a man covering a girl's mouth, molesting her as the girl continued to squirm.

Silently walking behind him, back leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossing my chest, "It's best to let her go." I said, announcing my presence, jolting at my voice, looking over his shoulder.

"None of your business, get out of here." He replied, paying his attention back to the girl.

Sighing, walking towards the man, placing my hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly, a hiss came out from him, turning fully to me as the girl fell on the ground, tears trickled to her cheeks.

The man grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to him, "You know what, I'll have you instead." He said, my nose scrunched, smelling alcohol in his breath.

"I dare you and you'll wake up without a tongue." I answered, nonchalantly.

"Bitch." He spat and tightened his grip.

"I know right." I said, catching his fist as he was about to punch me, moving it a little bit then twisting it outwards, earning a painful scream from him, bending his elbow, grabbing, and moving behind him.

The man squirms as I hold both his arms behind him, gripping it tightly, leaning in, "I better not see your face anymore." I warned as I pushed him away, looking at the girl, kneeling beside her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, eyes scanning for any injuries, nodding her head as I helped her stand up, "Can you walk?" I asked, "Yes, yes, thank you." She replied, sincerely, nodding my head as she walked away, stumbling a little.

A light 'oof' sounded behind me, turning around, the man was attached to the wall with a white web, a voice on my side alerted me.

"Hi." A squeaky voice said, looking at my side, eyebrow raising, a man hanging upside down, clad in web pattern skin tight cloth covered mostly in blue with red gloves, boots mid-section, and mask.

A light hiss from him interrupted our staring contest, stealthily walking away while he was talking to himself, sighing as I walked back to my apartment.

Changing into some comfy clothes and laying on the bed as sleep consumed me.

Waking up to my phone ringing, quickly grabbing it and answered, "State your need or I'll cut your tongue for waking me up." I said, voice hoarse.

"Harsh." Justin replied, "I called to inform you that I'll visit you later at the shop." He added.

"Perfect, why don't you do me a favor and manage it for a while." I said, hearing his scoff.

"Eh, okay, I won't do anything for a while, promise to take care of yourself and to call me okay?" He said.

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you, love ya." I replied.

"Love ya too, squirt." He answered and ended the call.

Wearing my usual black outfit as I decided to walk, entering Delmar's Deli-Grocery, Delmar smiled at me, smiling back at him as I walked around the corner getting some chocolates, ice creams, and beers.

Heading at the counter, standing behind a boy dressed in blue long sleeve, checkered peeking at his collar, gray pants and shoes with black socks, and a backpack. He seems like he's quite a regular at the store.

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