XI. Nuisance

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"How come we didn't know about you?" Tony asked, sitting in front of me, hands holding a glass of scotch, a huge smile on his face.

Downing the drink in one gulp, "Woah, slow down, honey." He said, looking at me amusingly. A smirk on my lips, slowly wiping the liquid under my lips with my thumb, sucking it afterwards.

Hearing a low growl from him, smirk widening, "Long story." I answered. 

"We have time." He answered, hands on my thighs.

As I was about to say something, my stomach rumbled earning a soft laugh from Tony, Natasha, and Steve.

My eyes widened as I blush, biting my lips from the embarrassment.

"Looks like our princess is starving." Steve said teasingly, a tsk came out from me, rolling my eyes at him.

"Oh, no you didn't." Natasha said, smirking at me. 

"Huh?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed, my breath hitched as I didn't notice Steve behind me.

His hand wrapped around my waist, "Did you just roll your eyes, doll?" He whispered, slightly biting my ears.

Hands tightly gripping the counter, gulping at his actions, "I... uh... I didn't." I answered stuttering.

"Warning, doll. Don't roll your eyes in front of me. Understand?" He asked, nodding my head, "I need words, doll." He added.

"Understood." I answered, a gasp escaped me as he placed a lingering kiss on my neck.

Exhaling a breath, Natasha walked towards me, "You're cute when you blush, sweetheart." She said, winking at me.

"Food is ready." Clint announced from the kitchen, Natasha gently grabbed my hand, hands intertwining as we walked side by side to the kitchen with Tony and Steve behind.

"So, tell us about yourself." Clint said as everyone sits around the table, eating their lunch.

Swallowing the food, "Elisha Mikazuki Greil. 25 years old. Let's see, there's nothing much to tell about myself. I own a coffee shop. Nick Fury is my uncle. Hmm, what else." I replied, looking at my plate.

"I guess that's pretty all about me." I said, shrugging, "Did you say coffee shop?" Tony asked.

Nodding my head, "Yeah, MC." I answered him. 

"MC?" Bruce asked. 

"Midnight Café." I answered him.

Hearing a gasp from Tony, everyone's attention now on him, "You own that?" Tony asked again.

Nodding my head, "As far as I can remember, yes." I answered him. Tony looked at Natasha, eyes sparkling, "So you're the owner of the shop Tony can't stop blabbering about." Clint commented.

Tony scoffed, "Their pumpkin spice latte is delicious and I like the style of the shop, warm and cozy, very welcoming." He said, smiling widely at him.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Anytime, babe." He said, winking at me. Eyes rolling at him, halting my action midway, looking at Steve, his eyebrow raising at me and a smirk on his lips.

Licking my lips as Steve followed my action. Averting my eyes at him, I'm sure a blush is already on my face.

Goodness, why did I ever do right at my past life to experience this embarrassment.

My phone vibrated, interrupting my thoughts. Excusing myself, walking to the common room, I answered the call.

"Boss ma'am." A deep voice greeted. 

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