XVIII. Caught

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Waking up, blinking as I let my eyes adjust to my surroundings. Head pounding looking around, my arms and feet tied to the chair, a gag on my mouth, a muffled groan escaped from me.

I was inside a white room, unfamiliar equipment arranged on a stainless steel table at the side, room lights above me and over the table providing bright light, looking down I was on my sports bra and pants as adhesive patches are placed on my chest and a device attached on my finger with an elastic band connecting to a monitor.

Letting my eyes shut, remembering how the hell I got here.

"Hey, Nat. I have to go somewhere." I said, looking at me confused dancing in her eyes.

"This early?" She asked, laying on my bed as I nodded my head, she sighed and opened her arms.

A soft laugh erupted from me, walking towards her as she pulled me, earning a surprised squeak from me as we lay on bed together with her on top of me, looking at her our eyes met, a smile on her lips.

Gently placing my hand on her cheek as she leaned on it her eyes closed as my smile widened, kissing her forehead, "I really have to go so that I can go back early." I softly said, earning a grunt from her.

Letting me go as I stood up, hands on the knob, "Be careful, кукла." She said, looking at me.

"I will, Nat. See you in a minute." I said winking at her, earning a soft laugh from her. 

"See you in a minute, любовь." She replied as I closed the door.

"Where are you going, kitten?" Tony asked.

"Oh just an errand, don't worry I'll be back as soon as you know." I said, kissing his cheeks.

 "Okay, be careful then." He muttered, smiling at me as his hands snaked on my waist.

"I will, Anthony." I said, a scoff escaped from him, a soft laugh erupted from me seeing his reaction, "Don't worry, Tonton. I will be careful. I have to go, love ya." I added, earning a wide smile from him.

"I love you, 3000." He said, kissing my lips as my eyes widened at his action sending me a wink before walking to his lab.

Hopping on my motor, a cloth covered my mouth. I squirmed and seconds later something prodded on my neck as darkness consumed me.

The door opened, snapping me back to reality, three people dressed in white coats entered my breath hitched seeing who the last one was.

"Ah, my luna is awake."

It can't be.

My eyes widened as he walked towards me, removing my gag as my body froze seeing him in the flesh.

A man having almost translucent skin, a scar from under his right eye until his left jaw, hair is long and jet black and his eyes, his brown doe eyes which Mina and I inherited.

"Father." I mumbled, disbelieve in my voice.

A soft laugh erupted from him, "Ah, yes my dear daughter, my dear luna." He said, caressing my cheek with his gloved hand, "Oh, I missed you so much, my luna, my sweet luna." He added, grinning widely at me.

"I saw you die." I said.

"Oh, you did? Well, I'm sorry to say. I didn't die as you can see. How disappointed you must be seeing how I am still alive and in front of you. You left me a gift and I must return something as my thanks." He replied as he traced his scar, the one I gave him when uncle saved Mina and I.

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