X. Meeting Them

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Two weeks had passed.

Since HYDRA attacked Mina. Uncle Nick, Maria, and I became busy planning and knowing the whereabouts of them.

"Li." Lary called as she entered the shop, waving at me as she walked towards her usual spot.

And yes, for those two weeks, Lary and I compromised, saying our sorry to each other.

Placing two cups of caramel macchiato on the table and two cheesecakes.

"How are you?" I asked, smiling brightly at her.

"I've met my soulmate." She answered, eyes sparkling, smiling widely, a gasp shocked came out from me.

"Tell me about him." I said, excitedly.

"His name is Samuel Thomas Wilson, a former United State Air Force pararescue airman. We met a week ago, at the grocery. I was looking for my favorite snack when we bumped into each other." She answered. 

"Oh, living a fantasy life." I teased, earning a playful glare from her.

"He's kind, funny, deeply compassionate, and empathetic towards others, as well as having a strong moral code." She added.

"Sounds like a good man. Bring him here sometime, I'll evaluate him myself." I said, wiggling my eyebrows, earning a soft laugh from Lary.

"You won't do anything, won't you?" She asked, looking at her, shrugging as she shook her head, sipping our coffee, basking in the comfortable silence that surrounds us.

My phone rang, interrupting the serene silence, quickly fetching my phone, answering it.

"Zuki. Come here at my office now." He said, looking at Lary, her attention now on me. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"Come here, now. You'll know once you're here." He answered and ended the call.

Sighing, "Anything happened?" Lary asked, worriedly.

"My uncle called. I have to go." I said, nodding her head, standing up, and saying my goodbye to her.

"Lego, I have to go. Something came up, important, I'll leave the shop to you." I said as he nodded his head.

"Okay, copy that boss ma'am. Take care and be careful, boss ma'am." He replied.

"Thank you, you too." I said, smiling at him as I waved my hand and left.

Arriving at my uncle's office, I saw him sitting behind his desk, reading something on a manila folder. Nodding my head at Maria, who's sitting on the couch as she continues what she's doing.

"Uncle, you called me?" I asked, sitting across from him, closing the folder, looking at me.

"We have to go somewhere." He answered, standing up. 

"Where?" I asked, blindly following him behind, Maria walked with us, looking at her, raising my eyebrows as she shrugged at me.

"I'll let you introduce yourself to them." He said.

"Them? Where are we, Uncle?" I asked, looking at him.

"Avengers Tower." He answered, my eyes widened.

How dumb of me not noticing where we're going.

My feet continued to follow him, feeling nervous and anxiety rising. 

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