XV. Message

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Standing at the beautiful meadow, blue and yellow flowers scattered on the field, swirling and dancing with the wind. Inhaling the fresh air, I was in awe of how beautiful the place is.

Seconds later, thunder and lightning appeared, illuminating the sky. As the first drop of rain hit my skin, I noticed the peculiar color of the raindrop  red.

Severe thunderstorms raged at the field, the rain grew heavy, soaking me in the process, as the once blue and yellow meadow flowers now coated in red.

Flowers swayed in the wind, following how violent the wind became. Lightning illuminated the sky once again. A loud, booming sound of thunder rumbled behind me, quickly turning around.

Eyes widened, hand instantly covering my mouth witnessing the scene in front of me, my greatest fear, seeing everyone dead.

Everything, everyone is covered with blood as the storm keeps going, my soulmates, Mina, Justin, Lary, Rosie, and Jennie, lying lifelessly on the ground.

Quickly my feet ran towards Mina, kneeling beside her as she gasped for air, eyes looking directly at me, tightly clutching my arm.

"What did you do?" Mina asked, letting me go as she slumped on the ground, eyes closing.

Labored breath as I stood up, looking down standing above the mountain of dead bodies, voices whispered in my ears.

"You're a monster."

"You've killed all of them."

"Look what you did."

Covering both my ears, frantically looking around, a figure walked towards me, reaching his hand out.

"Come with me, my luna, as we'll make the world a better place, for both of us."

Jolting awake, sweating furiously, and breathless from the dream I've just had. Calming myself, I then looked at the clock beside the bed.

9:00 AM

I tried going back to sleep but to no avail. I messed up my already messy hair and stood up.

Lazily walked inside the bathroom, did my morning routine, and headed towards the kitchen. Seeing Tony, Steve, and Natasha, "Morning," I mumbled but enough for them to hear.

They replied with a chorus of good morning as Natasha placed the breakfast on the table. "Did you sleep well?" She asked, suddenly remembering my dream.

"Baby?" Natasha asked, snapping me back to reality, placing her warm hand on my cheek.

"Are you okay?" She asked again, earning Tony and Steve's attention.

I blinked my eyes a few times, nodding my head, forcing a smile, "Yeah, it must be the alcohol from last night." I replied, hearing a scoff from Tony.

Looking at him as he walked towards us with Steve following him behind, sitting beside me, a wide smile on his face, "You, kitten amazed me." He said, pointing his index finger at me.

"Should I dye my hair blond to lift the hammer?" He asked, earning a soft laugh from the three of us.

"Who's gonna dye their hair?" Bruce asked, receiving a chorus of good morning from us as he sat across from me.

"I was thinking of dying my hair to lift pointbreaks hammer." Tony casually answered, "Oh, last night was amazing thanks to you El, only Thor can lift that hammer and see how you easily lift it. Did you see his face?" He asked, looking like a kid who's telling his parents about his favorite toy.

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