XXI. Acquaintance

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Morning came, slowly opening my eyes hearing remote and close sounds of the chirping birds.

Stretching for a bit hearing the satisfying pop of my bones, standing up reaching for the door as I slightly opened it, looking left and right to see if Jackson is already awake.

Sighing as I confirmed that he isn't, I quietly tiptoed towards the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, getting some water as I let out a satisfied sigh after drinking some.

"Who are you?" a man asked from behind, my eyes widened as I quickly turned around.

A topless man in his pajamas, messy hair rubbing his eyes awake, lips pouting and his finger pointing at me.

Putting his hands down as he looked at me up and down.

"Are you Jackson's soulmate?" He asked, looking at me.

"No." I answered, roaming my eyes, looking for a possible weapon.

"He never brought someone home unless..." He stopped, opening his eyes wide and placed his hand over his mouth.

"Thief!" He shouted as I grabbed a pan, putting his hands up in a surrender position, "Woah, there. I'll give you anything. I have money, cars, everything you need." He said, voice shaking.

"Don't come near me." I threatened.

"If you didn't come here to rob me, then what?" He asked, "Are you stalking me?" He added, pointing his finger at me.

"Of course, you are. Who wouldn't stalk someone as handsome as me." He said, nodding his head while rubbing his chin.

Sighing as I rolled my eyes, "I didn't..." He dramatically gasped, interrupting me, "Then you're here because you want to confess to me?" He asked, hugging his body.

God, can I hit him with this pan?

"Rape!" He shouted once again, placing the back of his hand on his forehead, "I know I'm handsome and sexy, but you just have to say it miss and I'll gladly give it to you. I'm generous, you know." He said, looking at me and winked.

"What is this?" Jackson asked, earning both of our attention, quickly looking away, sighing as he was also topless.

"You both need to get dressed first." I said as both of them looked down, Jackson cleared his throat and quickly went back to his room while the other gasp, "You should be thankful you've witnessed my sexy body for free!" He shouted, running back to his room.

Sighing as I placed the pan down on the counter and seconds later, hearing steps towards the kitchen.

"Now explain yourself, who are you?" the other man asked.

"She's Lisa. She helped me last night." Jackson answered as the other man gasped, looking at both Jackson and I.

"Did you..." He gasped, "Jackson, I didn't know you were that kind of man. If you desperately needed some sex, I have tons of girls to help you." He teased, "No offence your beautiful." He added, looking at me.

Jackson sighed as he approached the man, smacking him in the process, "Ouch." He mumbled, rubbing his head.

"Get that dirty mind of yours cleaned." He said, "This is Brandon, my younger brother. Excuse his filthy mouth." He muttered, draping his arms over his shoulder.

"You can call me baby, if you want." He said and winked. 

"I prefer Bam." I said as both of them froze.

Looking at them confusingly, "Did I say something?" I asked.

"Are you sure you are not stalking me?" Brandon asked.

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