XX. Stray

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Standing outside the interrogation room of Aro - Elisha's father, Steve, Tony, Clint, Thor, and Loki beside me, observing him as he sat on a metal chair hands securely cuffed on both sides of the chair.

"I'm going in." Loki volunteered which earned a series of disapproval from us. 

"You'll just lose your patience with him brother. I suggest Lady Natasha interrogate him." Thor said, his arms crossing across his chest.

"Do you have little trust in me brother?" Loki asked, facing Thor. 

"We actually do." Tony answered, earning a look from Loki shrugging his shoulder popping some blueberry nuts on his mouth.

Exhaling a breath, calming myself as Loki and Tony continue to bicker at each other, "Men." I mumbled.

"Not all of us." Steve said, standing beside me, earning a smirk from me.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, eyebrow raising as my smirk widened.

"You know what Romanoff." He said, a warning in his tone, a soft laugh erupted from me.

Shaking my head Aro coughed, earning our attention. Blood came out from him as he continued to cough hard and seconds later, a laugh erupted from him, "There goes Psycho Dracula." Tony commented.

"I'm going in." I announced, Steve nodded, walking towards the cell a hiss sounded as the door lifted, Aro looked up a smirk on his bloody lips, spitting the blood, "Ah, look who decided to visit me, Black Widow in flesh." He said, mockingly.

"Where is she?" I asked him, smirk on his lips, sitting in front of him, he continued to stare at me a smirk plastered on his face.

"You'll answer me or I'll wipe that smirk out of your face." I said, a laugh erupted from him as he looked up.

"Ah, there we go so impatient, darling." He teased.

Exhaling a breath, "What did you do to her?" I asked again as we continue to stare at each other, "Did you torture her?" I added, silence engulfed the room.

"Have you ever loved her?" I asked, earning his attention, "Did you regret not doing everything you could to save your soulmate?" I continued, "Do you even care for her? Did you do that to Elisha because you're blaming yourself for everything - for not saving her, for not doing enough for her, not enough to let her live." I stated.

A loud thud sounded as he forcefully pulled his hands, looking at me furiously, "You have no right to spout such nonsense, you're not there when everything happened. You never saw the look on her eyes whenever she's in pain, when she said her goodbye, when she took her last breath. You don't know anything, woman. I did everything I could to save her, sold and gave everything I could just to save her." He said, enraged.

"I would do no harm to my daughters, especially my luna. I already know Mina has some powers and will only take a series of experiments for my luna to accept the serum. I was successful not until you pathetic creatures ruined my moment, our moment, now my luna is out there wandering on her own." He added.

"So you don't know where she is." I said, looking at him, "What happened?" I asked, a smirk appeared on his face.

"It would be best for you to find her before HYDRA will do, no one knows what they'll do, Agent Romanoff." He said, mockingly.

"Let's Race to her. Let us see who'll win before she completely loses control over herself." He added, laughing loudly as I exited the room, exhaling a breath.

"What was that?" Tony asked, silence engulfed the room processing what Aro said, Bruce running inside breaking the silence.

"You have to see this." He said, projecting a scene.

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