XXII. Jackson

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Heading towards the kitchen, passing by the massive window and seeing Auntie Sophie in the garden, I fastened my walk, grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter and went outside.

"Good morning, Auntie." I greeted as she looked up, smiling brightly noticing me.

"Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?" She asked, my smile disappeared remembering what happened last night.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Auntie asked, worriedly, placing a hand on my shoulder, looking at her, giving her a small smile.

"Of course, Auntie." I replied.

"Come, let's have some breakfast." She said, wiping her hands on a towel on her shoulder, reaching out her hand, accepting it as she snaked her hands in my arms.

Sitting on the chair with Auntie Sophie, a few minutes later, Jackson appeared with his messy hair, white shirt and black sweatpants.

"Morning, mom." He greeted, kissing both her cheeks.

"Good morning, sweetie. Sit and join us." She replied, Jackson obeyed sitting beside me.

"Morning, Lis." He said, kissing the top of my head.

Looking at him, smiling, "Morning, J." I replied.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, nodding my head.

"Yup." I answered, popping the 'p', earning a chuckle from him.

"I didn't see Bam. Where is he?" I asked, earning a laugh from both of them.

"Did Jackson didn't tell you?" Auntie asked.

"That he already found his soulmate? Jackson did say that at the airport." I replied, earning a nod from her.

"That boy is with her right now. He said he'll introduce her to us if she's ready. I heard she has a twin and she's finding her right now. I hope she can find her twin as soon as possible." She replied, nodding my head as we continued to eat.

"Oh, by the way. Jackson, you have to attend this party." Auntie said, earning a grunt from him.

"Mom, I don't want to. I'm sick of leeches approaching me." He replied, earning a laugh from us.

"You can take Lisa with you." Auntie suggested, my eyes widened abruptly shaking my head.

"I don't really do well in crowded places, Auntie. So I politely decline." I said, looking at her.

"Hm. Okay." Jackson muttered, looking at him with wide eyes.

"You know I hate crowded places, J." I mumbled, he looked at me, placing a hand above mine on the table.

"Can you please accompany me? Just an hour, we both know I also hate attending this party. Just an hour and we'll leave immediately. Please?" He asked, looking directly at me.

Sighing, "Okay. Just an hour." I replied, earning a smile from him.

"Thank you." He said and ruffled my hair, clicking my tongue in disapproval, earning a chuckle from him.

"Next." Jackson said, rolling my eyes trudging back inside the fitting room.

Walking outside, Jackson looked up, shaking his head, "I swear, J." I warned, earning a laugh from him.

"Come on, I want the best for my date. Now, next." He replied, looking back at the magazine, exhaling a breath walking back inside the fitting room.

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