XIV. Party II

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Sitting idly, my hand holding a glass of champagne still at the counter as Natasha and Clint greeted everyone around as I continued to observe everyone around, keeping my eyes open. As the music came to a brief pause, my eyes caught Steve as our eyes met.

Wearing blue long sleeve polo tucked in a black trousers, "Eyes up here, doll." He said, smiling at me as his hands traveled to my waist, squeezing it lightly, "You look beautiful. No wonder these men can't look away from you." He added, kissing my cheek.

"No wonder these women can't also look away from you, Steve. You look handsome." I replied, earning a chuckle from him.

"Dance with me?" He asked, offering his hand.

"Oh, no I don't dance." I answered, looking at him. 

"Don't worry, doll. I've got you. Just let me lead." He replied, winking at me, gracefully placing my hand on his as he led me out onto the dancefloor.

An uncanny sensation coursed through me, "Relax, doll. You'll be alright. Trust me." He said, placing both my hands on his shoulder while he placed his on my waist. Feeling my uneasiness, Steve guided our path of dance through the crowded center.

Our feet effortlessly glided across the dancefloor, but my eyes were open, constantly flickering around the room, suspicious of everyone in the room. As we continued to dance, I began to relax in his arms, letting him guide me throughout the entire song.

Letting my eyes roam around again, a dark figure standing at the corner caught my eyes as he was creepily standing still, our eyes met, a feeling of fear and distress coursed through me, goosebumps all over my body, unconsciously moving closer to Steve.

"Are you okay, doll?" Steve asked, looking at me worriedly, averting my eyes to the figure as I looked at Steve, nodding my head, looking back at the figure, now gone.

The song already ended, but my mind was still on the figure.

Who could that be?

"Baby. Sweetie. Elisha." I was brought back to reality as someone snapped their fingers in front of me, "Kitten, I've been calling you several times, are you okay?" Tony asked as Steve left, fetching some drinks for us. 

Eyes rapidly blinking as I nodded my head at him, "Wh-what? Oh... oh, y-yeah. I'm okay. Excuse me, I'll just go to the bathroom." I excused myself, walking to the silent corridor.

An eerie feeling of being watched as I fasten my walk, quickly entering the bathroom, letting out a sigh, hand tightly holding the sink, eyes shutting hard.

Who was that? Was that HYDRA? But it's Starks tower where the Avengers reside, HYDRA can't be that foolish enough to enter this premise.

My eyes snapped open, hearing the door opened, a woman in her late thirties entered, dressed in white with black print, lace sleeve floor-length dress, gracefully placing her purse above the space beside the sink, looking at her, our eyes met as her smile widens, feeling a sudden fear and nervousness.

"Are you okay dear?" She asked, worriedly, sending a chill to my nerves, forcing a small smile.

"Yes, just not fond of such crowded places." I answered.

She chuckled, retouching her lipstick, my hands began to sweat, feeling very uncomfortable with her presence.

"Aren't you a lucky girl?" She asked.

"What?" I answered, confused.

"Having six soulmates, meeting five of them at the same time, to top it all they're what the people call 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes', owns a coffee shop, and is an undefeated racer. What a life you have indeed." She said, looking directly at me.

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