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Warning: This chapter contains uncomfortable events that may not be suitable to some readers. Read at your own risk.

Days. Weeks. Months. Losing track of time inside this cold dark cell. Food was constant, giving me three meals a day consisting of hard bread and water. A thin blanket and makeshift bed made with cloth keeping me from freezing to death and a dirty grey shirt hiding my nudity.

Now that he showed me who he truly was, he visits me every night. Not to ask if I'm okay, if I eat well or sleep well, but rather to quench his thirst - his thirst for pleasure.

Every time he comes to my cell, a guard ties my hands and legs. Entering with a maniacal smile and lustful eyes gawking at my body. Touching me inappropriately, his big calloused hands roaming my body, whispering flowery words that he thinks are compliment but rather opposite to me.

His moans and grunts echoing inside the room, all I could do was look up, staring blankly above the ceiling as he thrusts and pounds inside me.

My eyes held no emotions, seemingly tired and incapable of producing any tears. My mind went blank as my heart slowly accepted my faith, where I would rot and die.

Hoping for the latter to happen soon. Feeling his grip on my jaw, yanking me to face him, "Dear, what are you thinking?" He asked, caressing my face with his other hand.

"When will I die." I quickly replied, voice croaky, earning a slap from him already used to the pain, looking at him dead in the eyes, a deep growl escaped from him.

"I keep you alive. Bring you food. Gave you shelter. Shower you with all the attention and love that I can give. And that's how you repay me? You ungrateful bitch." He spat, looking at me angrily.

"Kill me." I murmured, a low chuckle escaping his lips.

"Still not satisfied? I'll make you a deal. How about I kill you after I kill your soulmates?" He asked, smirking.

"Kill me." I repeated, slapping me once again and harshly letting go of my jaw. 

"I've been patient with you long enough, Elisha. Yet you still can't see how I care for you." He started, forcing myself to look at him.

"I think it's time to use force so that you can finally understand my feelings towards you. How sincere I am about I feel for you." He added, snapping his fingers.

The metal door opened, two guards entered and dragged me towards another room. The room was windowless, thick walls, built underground, and was lit by a few candles. Dried blood on the wall, a chain hanging on the ceiling, and the stench of death was so strong.

Drawing a breath as they tied my hands above my head by the chains, instantly feeling something drip on my head, I slowly looked up and saw the spiked chain tightly wrapped on my wrist.

Drops of blood dripping on my face, flowing towards my lips instantly tasting the salty and metallic liquid that resembles the taste of melted butter.

The blood continues to drip. My body jolts, an uncontrollable scream escapes me as they place my feet inside a beartrap, another painful scream erupted from me doing the same thing to my other feet.

Panting heavily from the pain, "You can scream all you want. No one can hear you." He said and ripped the dirty cloth exposing my bare body to him, brushing his fingers on my back, my body shivered with disgust as he placed a kiss on my nape.

"Let's have some fun." He whispered, striding towards a cabinet, opening it as he grabbed a whip, "Let's start." He said, excitedly, and placed himself facing my back.

My gasp broke the silence feeling the first strike, choking at my own breath as the whip stuck to my flesh realizing its tassels were metallic spikes, screaming as he dragged the whip feeling my flesh ripping away.

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