XXX. Story II

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"It continued for days and weeks. And every time I wake up, my name is Elisha Osaka, daughter of Aron Osaka, the lead scientist of HYDRA. I work for them and the reason why I lost my memory was because they rescued me from a mission. I had a severe concussion and I lost my consciousness."

"Every night, before they let me go back to my cell. They would inject a yellow serum into me. Then comes the day you arrived at the facility. I'm sorry for attacking all of you. Then I woke up on the shore, remembering just a tidbit of what happened."

"I then met Jackson. He and Brandon helped me, in return I reciprocated their help. Some of their problems in their company and some girl problems. They returned to New York, offered to go with them but I refused. For 3 months, I stayed at their vacation house. Lay low and avoid any suspicious people. And for those 3 months, I managed to remember and collect my scattered memories, but not all. I went to the places that suddenly popped into my mind."

"I know it's dangerous, but I'm desperate at that time. Desperate to remember everything. I know that there's something wrong and missing that's why I went back to the facility. It was already abandoned, with no living being present."

"I then remembered, my father had a secret vault. As I was scanning my files. I came to know that the yellow serum that they've been injecting me with was helping me cure my disease... condition... a few months... I don't have much time left." I mumbled, bowed my head, retracted my hand, and tightly clenched my fist.

"I have something to say to you." I stated and glanced at each one of them, "I have glioblastoma." I added as silence engulfed the room.

"I have a few months left to live and my power quickens my death, helping the tumor grow quickly in my brain."

"We know." Clint muttered as I looked at him.

"What? How?" I asked, confusingly, "Who said that to you?" I added as my breath hitched.

Only two people know about my condition.

"Did Jennie say that to you?" I asked, all of them bowed their heads, lifting my hand and covering my mouth as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Did she?" I asked again, voice slightly raised.

"Yes, I did." A voice replied, looking at the direction of the voice, seeing Jennie standing at the doorway, looking at me with sadness and relief.

"Unnie." I mumbled, "I trusted you." I said, sounding so defeated, looking at her directly in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She replied.

"Sorry?" I scoffed and took a step backward, "Sorry?! That's a violation, unnie. You know that." I added as our eyes met.

"You're a doctor and you know the rules. And I didn't give you my permission to tell them my health information." I continued as a tear slid down her cheeks.

"And what? Let you die? Fuck the rules, Elisha! I would break countless rules and laws just for you to be safe. When will you realize that someone is worried for you! That someone will do anything for you!" She responded and approached me without breaking our gaze.

"Someone is actually beside you who cares and loves you! Stop covering your eyes and fucking open them. Look around you!" She added, standing a few steps away from me.

"Stop being a stubborn ass woman and a coward!" She continued as tears continued to trickle down my cheeks.

"I don't want to hurt anyone." I mumbled, hearing a scoff from Jennie.

"You won't hurt us, El." She replied and placed a hand on my shoulder, quickly avoiding her hand and took a step back.

"I will, unnie. Just like what I did to my mother." I responded, biting my lips and looked away.

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