III. Mina

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"What the hell was that?" Lary asked. 

"My soulmates happened." I casually answered.

"Your what?! AND THE FIRST THING YOU DID WAS TO RUN AWAY!" I wince as she shouted at me.

"You know I can perfectly hear you, no need to shout." I stated still focusing on driving.

She continued her rant as I looked at the rear view, a black SUV now following us.

"Shit. Buckle up Lar." I said stepping on the gas. 

"Why don't you just stop the car, say hi to whoever they are. They're your soulmates Li, what's the fuzz?" Lary asked.

Looking back at the rear view, the car now follows us closely behind. Increasing my speed, maneuvering my way at the dirt road.

A hiss came out of me as the car crashed into us. I furrowed my eyebrows, the car now at my side.

Focusing my eyes at the front, seeing as we slowly approach a curve. I increased my speed, feet on the brakes, flicking the car in, back to the gas, maintaining a slide, lifting off the accelerator, drifting in front of the car, leaving a dust on the driver's view.

I continue to drive as we reach the city. Smoothly avoiding every car, driving to my secret place. Letting out a heavy relaxed breath as the car no longer followed us.

Minutes later, I saw a familiar alley, where I hid my motor. Gripping the steering wheel, swiftly maneuvered it to the side. Car perfectly fit the alley as I slowly reversed my car.

At the far end, pressing something on the brick. A hiss can be heard as the wall slowly lifts up.

I continued my way inside and immediately closed it. Lary emerged from the car and slammed the door.

"Hey, hey, be careful will you?" I said to Lary. 

"Be careful? BE CAREFUL?! What you did was not careful at all, Li! You ran away from your soulmates!" She said irritatingly at me.

"Son of a bitch." I whispered seeing a small dent on my car. Approaching it, my hand caressing over the dent, a tsk came out of me.

"Did you know what you just did?!" she asked. Wincing at how loud her voice is and sighed, "Yeah, yeah. I know." I lazily answered and removed my mask, placing it inside the pocket of my jacket.

As I turned my back on her, she gripped my shoulder, forcing me to face her, "What's your problem? Didn't you want your soulmates? Why hide? Why run away?" She asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." I replied sternly wanting to drop the subject.

"No! Tell me why you're running away from them? You're not ready? That's plain bullshit, Li. Why because they will not accept you? Another bullshit! You know what you are right now? Coward! Your coward, Elisha!" She said, voice raising.

As our eyes met, a tear escaped my eyes, "Yes. I'm a coward. Call me anything you want, Lar. I just don't want to hurt them. I'm done hurting other people, hurting the people I love, people I care. Whoever my soulmates are, will be better off without me. I don't want them to carry my burden. They already have a problem on their own and I don't want to add onto it. I've been alone for how many years and I'm perfectly fine dealing with everything on my own. So, I'm sorry for being such a coward, for being selfish, for hiding and running away from my soulmates just cause I don't want to see them hurt because of me." I said, breath uneven as tears stream down my cheeks.

Rapidly blinking her eyes, "Li." She said softly. Shaking my head as I took a step away from her, harshly wiping my cheeks. Turning away from her, walking towards my motor.

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