XXXII. Madness

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Warning: This chapter contains uncomfortable events that may not be suitable to some readers. Read at your own risk.

Everyone was laughing as we were now heading back, smiles plastered on each of their faces. Nat was driving, Tony calling the shotgun seat, and the rest of us sitting on the back.

Furrowing my eyebrows, noticing Nat frequently glances at the rear view. "What's wrong?" I asked, causing everyone to look at me.

"Nothing." Tony replied, raising my eyebrow at him, Steve and Thor who's sitting beside me, smiled. 

"What are you talking about?" Thor asked, looking at me confusingly.

Ignoring him, eyes still fixated on Tony and Nat, Peter placed a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, Eli. It's okay. Everything is okay." He mumbled, softly. As fear slowly creeps inside me, a feeling of uneasiness begins to reside.

"Nat, what's..." Steve turned his body towards me, something hit our car.

"Shit." Nat muttered.

"We're being followed." I mumbled as realization hit me. Another hit happened, groaning as Steve and Thor protectively secured me between them.

Nat focused on driving, bullets showered our vehicle, glasses began to break, my eyes widened seeing three more cars appeared. They begin attacking us, Tony wearing his Iron Man hand armor, Clint and Loki throwing attacks back at them.

A car exploded, my eyes found Bruce as he tightly clenched his fist doing his best to control his anger. Hissing in pain, a bullet penetrates my shoulders, biting my lips hard as they continue to ambush us. Nat swiveled the car, avoiding it to crash and further damage. The car came to a stop, taking a deep breath, two cars parked in front of us, blocking any exit ways for us to escape.

"Stay in here, Eli. Don't ever go outside." Tony commanded, now wearing his suit, Steve grabbed his shield, Thor grabbed his hammer, Clint with his bow and arrow, Nat with her guns, Peter in his suit, and Loki also in his armor.

"Stay here with Eli, Bruce. Stay calm." Steve said, Bruce nodded his head and placed a quick kiss on my forehead, following them with my eyes, they protectively stood in front of the car.

Squinting my eyes, they seem to be talking to them, the next thing I know, they were already fighting, groaning as I looked at my bleeding shoulder, hearing a tearing sound. 

Bruce held a piece of cloth in his hands, wrapping it around my shoulder, "Everything is going to be okay." He mumbled, grabbing his trembling hands.

"Look at me, Bruce." I said, he immediately obeyed as our eyes locked, placing a hand on his face, "No one will hurt any of you. I promise." I added, nodding his head. Screaming as the door opened, a familiar face greeted us.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled.

"Your soulmates requested a backup, we have to go now." He said, extending his hand to me, looking at him confusingly.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"No time for questions. We have to go. Now." He replied.

"She doesn't want to go with you." Bruce said, his voice changing.

"Then, I just have to take her forcibly." He replied and shot Bruce with what seemed like a tranquilizer, seeing he was immediately knocked out. 

Anger instantly surges within me, "What the fuck did you do?" I asked, gasping feeling something prick my thigh.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled and everything went black.

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