XII. Jealousy, Jealousy

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Sitting peacefully with my caramel macchiato and blueberry muffins, Justin in front of me, quietly looking down at the table.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Oh, for the love of god, J. I already said it's okay, don't worry about it, it's not your fault, you've been saying that for an hour. My ears are bleeding hearing those words over and over again." I cried, grunting at him.

As he was about to say something, "If you'll say sorry again I'll cut your tongue and let it float in my coffee." I warned, interrupting him.

"Harsh." He mumbled, letting out a chuckle, a tsk came out from me, sipping my coffee, four pairs of feet stopped at our table.

Looking up whoever they are, my eyes widened seeing Natasha, Steve, Clint, and Tony standing beside our table.

Choking on my coffee, "Are you okay, love?" Justin rubbed my hand still oblivious to the four people.

I cleared my throat, retracting my hand towards my lap, "Did we interrupt something?" Natasha asked, announcing their presence.

Justin looked up, eyes wide like saucers surprised to see them. Looking around the shop, I noticed that everyone's attention was now on us.

Define awkward.

"You know there's a lot of space across, why do we have to squeeze in a single seat?" I ranted to them.

Sitting in the middle, Steve and Natasha to my right while Tony and Clint on my left.

Squirming on the seat, looking down seeing Natasha and Clint's hand dangerously placed on both of my thighs, stopping me from moving.

Justin who is sitting in front of us, alone, looking like he wants to flee the room immediately.

A silent gasp came from me as Natasha's hand moved to my upper thigh, her thumb caressing which sent shivers down my spine.

Swallowing hard, careful not to let a moan out, "I'm Steve." Steve said, breaking the tension.

"I already know you sir." Justin replied, not looking at them, "Actually, I know all of you." He added.

"What's your relationship with our soulmate?" Tony bluntly asked. 

"Soulmate?" Justin asked, looking at me confusingly, nodding my head at him.

His eyes widened realizing what I meant, shaking his head, "Oh no sir, I don't have any relationship with Eli. We're just friends, close friends, I see her as my little sister." He answered, looking at them.

"Good, I don't want to kill someone today." Natasha nonchalantly muttered, my eyes darted to her as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Boss ma'am." Lily called, excusing myself as I was about to stand, both hands on my thighs tightened its grip.

Now sitting on one of Natasha and Clint's lap, "Seriously?" I whispered, looking at them as they smiled at me.

Rolling my eyes,  I froze as I looked at Steve who's already looking at me, smirking.

"I'll be right back, can I please stand now?" I asked politely at both of them as they both shook their heads.

I gestured to the five of them to come towards us. Hesitatingly, they obliged, "Boss ma'am, we'll be going home. We already cleaned everything." Luca said.

Looking at my wristwatch, I didn't notice how fast the time passed by.

Nodding my head to them, "Okay, thank you. Take care on your way. Call me if you need some help." I replied, smiling to them.

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