VI. Again

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Waking up, I burrowed myself into the warm, soft sheets. Rubbing the remainders of sleep from my eyes.

9:00 AM

I sighed looking at the ceiling. Minutes later, standing up, lazily walking to the bathroom doing my morning routine.

Now wide awake, I quietly checked Justin who was still sound asleep. I chuckled upon hearing him snoring.

I went to the kitchen to cook him some hangover soup. As someone decided to get drunk last night.

After finishing our dinner, Justin placed the plates on the sink. Walking back with two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka.

"Squirt, let's have a drink." He said, holding a bottle of vodka. 

Raising my eyebrows, "Since when did you get that bottle?" I asked him, eyes on the bottle.

"Don't ask questions, let's just drink." He said, opening the bottle, pouring both our glasses.

Many shots later, Justin's head slump on the table already drunk while I'm still sober.

"You and your high alcohol tolerance shits." He said, chuckling at him. 

"You and your low alcohol tolerance shits." I replied, hearing him snore, rolling my eyes as I began to drag him towards the guest room.

As I finished preparing the table, Justin appeared, looking very sleep deprived.

"Good Morning, I prepared some hangover soup for you, the medicine is right beside it." I said as he sat down eating the soup, lifelessly.

"Rough morning?" I chuckled, earning a nod from him. 

"Thanks, love." said Justin. 

"Don't mention it," I replied as I took a sip from my coffee.

Ah, coffee is life.

"How's your head?" I asked.

"Not good." He answered. 

A tsk came out from me, "And whose idea was it?" I asked again.

His head tilted down, looking at me through his eyelashes, lips pouting, "Mine." He answered. Rolling my eyes at him, I nodded my head signaling for him to continue eating his soup.

After eating, Justin decided to head back to his apartment.

"I'll visit you later at the shop." Justin said.

"Okay. Be careful." I replied and smiled at him. He smiled back and kissed my forehead.

Closing the door, letting out a deep sigh. I cleaned my apartment and took a shower.

Wearing jeans, tan sweater, black combat boots, and my necklace with letter E and M. I applied some mascara and lip gloss on. Looking at my reflection, I nod my head, grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone.

Locking the door, walking towards my motor. I start the engine and drive to my coffee shop.

I parked my motor and entered the coffee shop. Lily immediately ran towards me, hugging my side, "Boss ma'am, we missed you." She said.

"I missed you too, Lily. How's everyone?" I asked as we walked towards the staff room, "Everyone misses you and everything is okay so far. And Tony Stark frequently comes here to buy some coffee." She answered.

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