IV. One Step At A Time

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Sitting on the boulder beside the river, hearing the water flowing freely. Deeply inhaling the fresh air, eyes closing as I continue listening to my surroundings.

Remote and close sounds of the chirping birds, buzzing insects, and croaking frogs. Slowly opening my eyes as a familiar light steps walked towards me.

"I know you'll be here." Mina said joining me. "I brought some clothes if you want to swim and also food." She added.

"Wanna join me?" I asked her as I began to undress. She laughed at me and removed her dress revealing a blue bikini underneath.

A wolf-whistle came out of my mouth as she playfully glared at me. Reaching her hand immediately, taking it, hands intertwining, we walked together towards the shoreline.

"Oh, God. It's so cold." I said teeth chattering water now on our chest level. Mina laughed at me, "It's not so cold." She said. "Easy for you to say." I mumbled as we swam around the river.

After how many laps, we decided to rest and eat the food Mina brought. A towel wrapping both of us, drying ourselves, sitting back on the boulder.

"Now, what did you bring? I'm famished." I said, earning a laugh from her. 

"I brought you a sandwich, burgers, burrito, pies, cheesecakes, sausage rolls, chicken drumsticks, and some wine. Everything is your favorite." She replied.

"You're spoiling me so much Eliora Mina." I said as she pointed a fork at me.

"That Elisha Mikazuki is indeed true and I intend to do it." She answered. A tsk came out from me hearing the name.

"Oh shush and just eat. I know you missed my food. You always love food above anything else." She added.

"Indeed I do." I replied.

"I know." She said smiling brightly at me. Chuckling at her enthusiasm as we began to eat the food. Only the sound of water flowing and laughter filled the area.

Wearing a yellow dress, sitting on the stairs' porch, eyes above as stars scattered the dark sky. A wine glass beside me as cold air passes, running my hands both on my side.

Looking on my arm where my soulmarks are, thumb running above it, I sighed.

Am I wrong for running away from them? Hiding from them? I just don't want to hurt them. Besides, I'm dying. I already accepted my fate. I don't want to see anyone cry because of me. I can't stand to see them hurt because of me.

A yellow knitted jacket was placed on me, interrupting my inner turmoil.

"Dinner is ready." Mina said. I looked at her and smiled, standing up grabbing the glass as we went inside the warm house.

As we entered the dining room, the table was set – food was already on the table and the plates were already perfectly placed.

"Sausage Pasta Skillet, Beef and Rice Enchiladas, and Lasagna." I said, eyeing the foods. 

"All your favorites." Mina said and chuckled seeing as my eyes sparkled.

"Now sit and eat, Mika." sitting in front of her, she then pops open a wine, and pour both our glasses.

"So who's managing the coffee shop right now?" Mina asked. 

"Justin." I replied, placing the fork with pasta in my mouth.

"Oh, that Justin?" Mina asked again. 

I chuckled, "Yeah. That Justin." I replied.

Only Justin knows Mina accidentally. As Mina was visiting me and that time Justin also visited me as he and his soulmate broke up, his soulmate cheated on him, and he caught her in the act – poor Justin.

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