XVII. Truth

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Sitting inside the meeting room with everyone — Tony at the corner, Natasha across from me, Bruce and Clint beside me, Thor and Loki beside Natasha, Fury entered with Maria and a brown haired woman wearing jeans, white long sleeve polo, and nude stilettos.

"This is Dr. Kim, a neurologist, she has something to say about Zuki even I didn't know about. That damn brat hid this pretty well." He said, worried in his voice — the first time seeing an emotion from him aside from being serious, sighing as he nodded at Jennie.

Jennie walked in front, slightly bowed her head at us, "I'm Dr. Jennie Kim, Director of the Department of Neurosurgery and Elisha's friend. I was beginning to get worried because Eli didn't put any contacts on her information regarding who to call whenever something might happen to her, gladly Fury contacted me thus informing him about Eli's situation." She started, exhaling a breath.

"I'll be frank. Elisha has glioblastoma. Multifocal glioblastomas. It is an aggressive type of cancer, brain tumor. This disease can be hard to treat. It quickly grows in the brain that is hard to remove with surgery. I tried offering her biopsy to further know about her condition but she quickly declined, saying she couldn't take a week off from her work, getting a biopsy is already risky enough." She added as everyone attentively listened to her.

"I also told her about removing it by surgery, but this can also be risky similar to biopsy, if the surgery is successful enough to remove it, she'll have 3 years, but she won't still be able to live normally for those 3 years as she may suffer from hemiplegia, a speech disorder, and a cognitive disorder as well." She continued.

"That's why I saw her in pain sometimes, I also noticed a drop of blood from the sink." Natasha said, Jennie nodded at her.

"Yes, this disease caused her dizziness and vomiting. And the location of her tumor isn't ideal. Hearing you say you noticed a blood, may pertain that she already vomits blood, and that could be very dangerous for her. It copies itself quickly, and it has a lot of blood vessels to feed it." She replied, looking at Natasha.

Silence engulfed the room, "And you say she declined both the biopsy and the surgery?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Jennie nodded, looking at me, "And if she ever undergoes surgery, she'll live 3 years?" Bruce asked, Jennie nodded again, "Yes." She answered.

"Then she has 3 years, if she undergoes surgery, without it, how much time does she have?" Clint asked, fear in voice, everyone's attention including Fury now on Jennie as she looked at everyone, exhaling a breath, sadness in her eyes.

"A year and a half." She answered.

"And when did she exactly know about this?" Tony asked.

"About six months ago." She replied.

Silence fell inside the room as Fury nodded his head at Jennie, nodding her head back as Maria escorted her out.

Why didn't she say something to us regarding this?

"This might not be the time to discuss something regarding the HYDRA base in Thailand, but I have someone here to explain everything about this mission." Fury said, breaking the silence.

"Great another revelation, might as well tell us everything about Elisha." Tony said, slightly angry.

Maria entered with a woman whose face is very identical to Elisha, the only thing that separates the two is her jet black hair. 

"And who might you be?" Thor asked.

"I'm Eliora Mina Greil, I'm Mika's twin." She said, gracefully.

"Pray tell us why we didn't know a single damn thing about you and your twin?" Tony said, looking furiously at Fury.

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