I. A Year And A Half

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"It's a glioblastoma." The doctor, Jennie, said.

"You have multifocal glioblastomas. They are the cause of your dizziness and vomiting. I will find out more with a biopsy. But the location of your tumors isn't ideal." She added.

Nodding my head, eyes focused on the MRI, "I see." I said, "Okay." She mumbled, confused at my reaction.

Squinting my eyes, "Do you perform the biopsy on the weekend?" I asked,  "No, I don't." She immediately replied.

"How many days will it take to do the biopsy?" I asked again. Jennie then brought her laser out, encircling something on the MRI, on what I assume is where my tumor is located, "It will take at least a week." She replied.

"That won't work." quickly informing her, "Pardon?" She asked as her eyes widened, "I can't." I answered.

Grabbing the MRI, my attention now is on her, "You can't do a biopsy?" I nodded, "No, I can't take a week off from work." I added.

"Shouldn't you put your health before your work?" She asked, shaking my head, "I'm not sure. Anyway, I can't take a week off." I replied.

"Then, let's not do the test. If you get the surgery, you'll have 3 years. Without it, you'll have a year and a half. And you won't be able to live normally for those 3 years either. You may suffer from hemiplegia, a speech disorder, and a cognitive disorder as well. Getting a biopsy can be risky enough." She stated.

"It's risky?" I asked, "Yes." She immediately replied, "Will I die?" I asked again, silence engulfed the room before she answered, "Yes."

Nodding my head, "I see. Okay." I said and smiled at her, "How's Ruby?" She smiled as I mentioned her daughter's name.

"She's okay. A beautiful pesky girl." She replied, chuckling, "Indeed she is." I nod agreeing to what she said.

As I was about to leave the room, Jennie grabbed my arm, "Why won't you, Li?" She asked, I smiled at her and patted her hand.

"Because." Opening the door, looking back at her. "Don't tell Lary and Rosie about this." She opened her mouth and closed, "Please." I said, interrupting her.

She looked at me, exhaling a sigh and nodded, "Thank you. I'll visit Ruby soon and I will call you if I do." I smiled, bid my goodbye and left.

Exiting the room after hearing the news, I walked slowly down the corridor.



My phone rang interrupting my thoughts, without looking at the caller I clicked the answer button.

"Where are you?" A raspy voice asked, "No hello? I see." Hearing a faint tsk at the other end, "Hospital." I added it immediately.

"What?! Why? What happened to you? Are you okay? Are you dying?" She asked, bombarding me with questions.

A laugh escapes my lips, momentarily forgetting about the news, "No. I'm not, just a headache." I answered not telling her that I am indeed dying.

"Hey, Li are you still there?" Blinking rapidly, "Yeah. Anyway, why did you call? Worried?" I asked teasingly.

"You have a race tonight." At the mention of race, a smirk slowly forms on my lips, posture now straight, body now alive, and giddy.

"Time and Location." I said, "11 pm. Usual place." She answered, "Okay copy that, thanks Lary." I said and ended the call.

The Kims. Lareina the oldest of the three, Jennie the middle one, and Rosie the youngest. I became their friend when I rescued Rosie from her bullies thus a friendship quickly formed between us, then eventually meeting the two.

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