XXVI. Back To Them

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Waiting and sitting outside with everyone as we waited for Dr. Cho and Bruce to finish tending to Elisha.

Jolting as hearing the door harshly opened, earning each of our attention as it collided with the wall and leaving a dent on it.

Bruce walked out, sensing how close he was to transforming into hulk, everyone tensed as Natasha slowly approached him.

"Hey big guy." She said, carefully walking towards him as he faced her.

"I have to get out of here." Bruce replied and left, leaving us with utter confusion as to what happened inside the infirmary.

Seconds later, Dr. Cho appeared and exhaled a breath as she looked at us.

"How is she?" Tony asked, worriedly, everyone stood up and looked at her eagerly waiting for her answer.

"Don't make us wait." Loki said, impatiently, staring at Dr. Cho.

"She had wounds and scars that weren't properly treated and healed." She started, "She had big scars covering her back, seeming like she got it from being flogged." She added, feeling my anger slowly rise and sensing my soulmates as well.

"And a sign of rape. Cuts and scratches were also seen on her arms and legs which I already tended to." She continued, "She's stable and okay. For now, we'll have to wait for her to regain her consciousness." She said and excused herself.

Everyone was silent after hearing what Dr. Cho said.

Seconds later, Mina and a man came running towards us, "Where is she?" The man asked as we looked at him.

"Where's Mika? She's alright, right? Tell me she's going to be okay." Mina said as Natasha walked to her, hugging her as she cried.

"Who are you?" Peter asked.

"Jackson Stevens. What are you doing here?" Tony asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Where is she?" He asked as I stood up.

"That's none of your business." I answered and stood in front of him.

"Lisa is my business. She's my friend." He answered as we stared at each other.

"She's not just a friend to you. You love her." Loki said, "You're the one who hid our soulmate to us." He added as Jackson scoffed.

"Me? Hiding her from you?" He asked, mockingly.

"Jackson stop." Mina said, looking at him and shaking her head.

"It was her decision." He spat venomously, "If I know she'll be hurt again, I should've hidden her well enough from all of you." He said.

Steve strides fiercely to us, standing beside me, "What did you just say?" He asked, angrily, Jackson took a step forward and stared at Steve's eyes.

"You've all caused enough damage to her. She's hurting because of you. All of you." He replied, looking at each one of us, silence engulfed the hallway.

"You know nothing, boy." Steve said, gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw.

"And you don't know what she went through. The pain. Every episode she had every night. Her screams. You didn't hear those. You didn't witness those." He replied as they continued to stare at each other.

"Then why didn't you give her back to us?" Peter asked.

"Didn't you hear what I said kid? Or are you deaf?" He countered.

"I would watch that mouth of yours, human." Thor warned and took a step forward as Jackson scoffed, smiled mockingly and shook his head.

Mina approached him, "It's best that you rest first. I'll call if anything happens." She said.

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