XXXI. Tranquility

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??? POV

"Is everything ready?" I asked, standing behind them as they furiously moved their fingers.

"Yes, sir. Everything is already going according to the plan." He replied, nodding my head.

"Good." I mumbled, placing my hand behind my back, "This plan better not be a failure or I'll personally kill all of you." I threatened as everyone tensed.

"We must get her back. I must have her back. By all means." I added, looking at her picture projecting on the screen.

Hearing the door opened, feeling a presence beside me.

"You will have her soon. Just be patient." She said, crossing her arms on her chest.

"My patience is wearing thin." I spat, looking at her venomously.

As our eyes locked, seeing her with no emotion at all, "We'll get her when they least expected it. Now, shut your mouth and wait." She countered as I furiously stride towards her.

Grabbing her chin harshly, "Show some respect, young one." I warned.

"Go on then. What will you do? Kill me? I dare you. You wouldn't have your hands on her if it wasn't for my help." She remarked as I snarled at her.

"That's enough. We have to plan this meticulously if we want to get her from them. Fighting won't help you get her." A man said, entering the room. Letting her go, harshly.

"Don't make any rash decisions or else you won't get her. The best thing you can do is lie low. Stay under the radar of SHIELD." She added and left.


Weeks passed, Tony and Bruce had been working day and night to somehow stop my disease, which they did – temporarily, although I still have some episodes and my power went berserk, but not as violent as it is.

"Eli, you ready?" Nat asked, standing at the door, her shoulder leaning on the doorframe.

"Hmm." I hummed and nodded my head. Steve appeared, sending Nat a smile and entered my room.

"Hi, princess." He greeted.

"Hi, Steve." I replied.

"Ready?" He asked as I clenched my fist, Nat immediately walked towards me, grabbing my hand and resting her hand on my face, facing me towards her.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay. You won't hurt anybody. You will not hurt us." She muttered as I leaned to her touch. Feeling my body instantly relax.

"We will protect you no matter what happens, princess." Steve seconded, standing beside me and placing a hand on my waist, squeezing it lightly. 

"Everything is going to be okay." I mumbled and opened my eyes, Nat smiled at me and nodded her head.

Looking at Steve, giving me a smile, "That's right." He said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"We better get going. Peter and Thor were so excited that they couldn't even sleep a wink last night." Nat said, Steve and I chuckled.

Nat snaked her arm to mine while Steve grabbed my duffel bag, "Nat is also excited. She's just too shy to tell you." Steve teased, earning a playful smack from her which he easily dodged. Steve and I chuckled while Nat pouted her lips and pulled me closer to her.

"You shouldn't associate yourself with a bad person, Eli." She remarke.

"But darling, we're soulmates." Steve replied, Nat looked at him with a smirk.

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